In this Episode I’m sharing: 

my recent health wake-up call and how I’ve realized I can’t do it all
the lessons I’m learning from it, and the ones that keep getting repeated
 5 Simple Steps I’m hoping that you will join me in doing to take Better Care of Yourself

Momma Action Steps

Commit to one of the 5 steps to take better care of yourself listed at the bottom of this post
Check out The Body Love Journey with upcoming Mom at 41 Guest and Certified Life Coach, Carmen Jubinville.

 iTunes Review of the Week 

“WOW! Dr. Karen this podcast is amazing! 

Thank you so much in sharing your motherhood and adoptive journey. I so resonate with your story! My husband and I applied to become adoptive parents as I couldn’t have any more children after having our first son and getting stage 1 melanoma cancer during my first pregnancy. Always wanted to be a stay at home mom with 3 children. Unfortunately after 1 year (back then) of intense HOME STUDY, assessments, etc., we got the call a baby was available. However, we were unable to become adoptive parents as my husband was scheduled to go and help put out the flames after the Gulf War ended and they wouldn’t allow me to raise this baby alone while my husband was away for 18 months. Well needless to say, my husband wasn’t selected to go to Saudi and we missed out the time of a lifetime to have a brother or sister for our son. It was an extremely emotional, time consuming and private process. After listening to your latest show, I couldn’t put my iPhone down as I had to listen to all the episodes. After 29 years of not having anybody to share with in my adoptive parent process, this podcast is very therapeutic for me. 

I know through sharing your experiences and your high level of professionalism, you will touch and be helpful to so many moms! If you are a mom, especially an adoptive or foster mom anywhere around the world, you will certainly want to subscribe to this podcast. It was so inspirational knowing that you don’t have to be alone anymore! Thank you Dr. Karen for taking the time to put this podcast together and continuing your efforts to grow this very important issue globally. You will touch so many lives. Blessings!”

-Cheryl Lynn

Cheryl, I am so touched by your appreciation and in sharing your story.  Thank you so much!

Real Momma Quote

“As you consciously choose to give yourself the gifts of self-care, they become an integral part of your rhythm and the vital tools that you will tap into for the rest of your life.”-Miranda J. Barrett

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#Moms: Here’s 5 Simple Steps to Take Better Care of Yourself! #Momat41 @DrKarenOsburn




Don’t you think it’s time to take better care of yourself, #Mom? #Momat41 @DrKarenOsburn



Five simple steps to take better care of yourself :

1. Take 30 minutes for yourself. Every day. I made this commitment with a few colleagues recently, and will stick to it.  It  could be three 10 minute time periods, or two 15 minutes, or just one big 30 minute chunk. Do whatever you want in that 30 minutes. It’s just for you.

2. Stay Connected. It can be easy to retract in times of stress and challenge. Who wants to hear your sad story, right? Nope, this is the time you gotta connect with family and friends even more. And then continue to do so on a regular basis. Make it an important appointment to meet with friends for coffee, talk on the phone, or Skype those who live far away

3. Move your body. A walk, yoga class, lift weights, 10 minutes of stretching, play with your kids at the park, and if you can, get out into fresh air. You fulfill a basic need for your body when you move each day, and it’s also the best stress reducer on the planet.

4. Meditate for 5 minutes a day. This could be rolled into your 30 minutes for you in Step #1. I’ve dabbled on and off with Meditation, but am determined to get back to it. Think of it as a reset in your day, a way to start your day more grounded, or a tool to end your day with peace. Just you, being still, eyes closed, and cross-legged on the floor for 5 minutes. And if you want some motivation as to the power of Meditation, listen to it here.

5. Stop pushing so hard. Ease up. Take more things of your plate. I’m starting to really question whether life is about how much you can do in a day, week, or month if it all feels like a push uphill. How about creating more space in your day? When did it all become about a race to the finish line? Life is hard enough at times, do we really need to make it harder by ‘making’ it happen a certain way? Take one thing off your plate that feels like your are willing to make happen. Do it today.


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Audible Recommendation from this Episode: Carry on Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life by Glennon Doyle Melton

Related Mom at 41 Episodes

Episode 39: Why Comparison Kills You with Firecracker Mommy of 3 and Entrepreneur Tena Pettis

Episode 62: How to Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself

BONUS Holiday Episode #7: How to Take Care of YOU

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