In this Episode I’m sharing: the greatest gift you can give someone…and it won’t cost you anything.

Momma Action Step

Write a Letter of Gratitude to someone in your life within the next 12 hours before you change your mind or forget. Write from the heart, don’t censor it. Just feel what you feel about that person and how grateful you are for them in your life.

If you feel stuck on how to start, use this:

“I am grateful to have you as a friend because…..”

 Stitcher Review of the Week

“Mom’s You Are In For Some Love, Wisdom, & Support! Karen really delivers an outstanding show on family matters of the heart from parenting to work for mom’s plus what every mom can use, guidance and TLC for them in today’s rapid living. Thank you for such a wonderful show!” -Dean P. 

Thanks so much, Dean!

Real Momma Quote

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

NEW) Tweetables to Share!  


The greatest #Gift you can give that doesn’t cost you a thing on the #Momat41 Podcast. 




Learn about a #Gift from the Heart you can give this #Holiday Season. #Momat41




My doTERRA store:  Check out all their wonderful products with this link and the ability to purchase products online at wholesale prices (25% off) as a Wellness Advocate+ get points for FREE products! (email me if you have any [email protected]). 

Register here for the Essential Oils 101 for the Entire Family FREE Seminar as part of the Synergy Healthy Living Series on January 7, 2015

Related Mom at 41 Episodes

Episode 47: Top 7 Reasons To Follow Your Heart 

Episode 42: Dear Stressed Out Mom

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