Need inspiration and support with finding - and keeping - the right parenting mindset?

My goal for The Modern Parenting Solutions podcast is to provide you with the education, inspiration, and support you need to be the best parent possible. My Sunday episodes are packed with actionable tips and strategies to provide the educational part of that goal, while my Thursday episodes provide you with the inspiration and support needed to really jump-start what you learn.

In this episode, my goal is to challenge your thinking when it comes to your parenting mindset.

What is your parenting mindset?

How do you keep it "front of mind" so that your mindset guides your day, instead of your day dictating your parenting actions and decisions?

After you listen to this episode, you'll feel prepared to take on the holidays in a way that puts YOUR parenting goals and relationships first.


SHOW NOTES: Visit the show notes by clicking HERE THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO MAKING BETTER PARENTING DECISIONS: Click HERE to download the workbook NEWSLETTER: Click HERE to join my email newsletter and be the first to be notified of enrollment for the Self-Motivation Success Academy ASK ME A QUESTION OR BE ON THE SHOW: Send me an email at [email protected] and tell me about your Modern Parenting challenge. You might be a great fit for me to work with you on a future episode :) ONLINE PARENTING CLASSES: Check out our 100% court-approved classes by clicking HERE. PARENT COACHING: Want to work with me one-on-one? Click HERE to find out more.