If your young person is struggling with their grades or other academic responsibilities - and they only have WEEKS left in the semester before going on Christmas Break - then this episode is a MUST LISTEN!

This episode was inspired by the real-world issues going on with the young people at the Modern Parenting Solutions office this week. The other therapists and I have been busy helping young people who are very stressed out right now, but need to finish the semester on a positive note.

In this episode, I give you the same strategies that we have been recommending to all of our MPS families.

And as always...the strategies that I discuss in this episode are meant to help your child succeed AND to help you build (or maintain) a close and positive parent-child relationship.

Here's a glance at this episode...

[3:12] Quick discussion of new research showing how weekly piano lessons lead to better cognitive ability AND lower rates of depression. anxiety, and stress [5:40] Quick discussion of new research confirming what most of us know already - that young people coming out of the pandemic are struggling due to lack of in-person socialization [8:49] Four strategies to do BEFORE the semester ends (even if you only have a week or two left!)

[16:05] How to build or maintain your relationship with your child during this emotional and stressful time

[18:36] The parenting mindset YOU need to make these last few weeks successful and less emotional (for you and your child)

[22:53] What to do AFTER the semester is over so that you set your young person up for a successful NEXT semester

[27:25] Two important life lessons to make sure your child learns during this time.

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