2020-04-07 Weekly News - Episode 48

Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtu.be/4zedULjJW4I

Eric Peterson - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions
Get trained by the actual makers of the ColdBox Platform, CommandBox, TestBox and ContentBox Modular CMS. We offer on-site training, regional training seminars and virtual live training as well. We have several professional training courses to choose from and we can also cater to a-la-carte trainings as well.

Patreon Support
We are at the 42% mark for fully funding all of our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: patreon.com/ortussolutions . If you love our podcasts and all we do for the #coldfusion #cfml community consider chipping in, we are almost there!

News and Events

Box Products Get Complete Makeover! - April Fools

We decided that even during a lockdown, there might be room for a little humor, we posted a blog post on April Fools about some rebranding.

ColdBox – FridgeBox
TestBox – MakeItWorkBox
WireBox – ShockBox
ForgeBox – ToyBox
CommandBox – MasterBox

Someone also asked for one box to contain them all, but I had to remind them that Sean Corfield encouraged us to retire KitchenSinkBox a long time ago :)

Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week

The developer week webinars would cover all these topics and much more. This is a series of free, live webinars where the audience would be able to hear from the best developers in the ColdFusion world.

If you are a new developer, someone with little or no ColdFusion experience, or even if you have been using ColdFusion all your life, these sessions are ideal for you. The ColdFusion Developer Week provides something for everyone so sign up now.

May 18th - 22nd - Online
2 Sessions per day - 10 sessions through the week.
Free - Register Online

Lucee developer Team Expanded

Lucee developer team expanded with full time Java developer, Mircea Botez
Let’s welcome Mircea Botez to the team!
Mircea joins the Lucee core committers as a new full time Java Resource. A 30 year old from Romania, Mircea has a degree in Computer Science from the University of Iasi and years of Java experience. Mircea is diving into the code and converting all extensions from Ant to Maven. And in time, he'll be speeding up the delivery of awesome features across the code base. We are sure that you will hear lots from Mircea soon and with luck meet him at CFCamp. Our most heart-felt thanks to Rasia and DistroKid for directly sponsoring Mircea's contribution.

ColdBox Cross Site Request Forgery Module v2 released
We are incredibly excited to bring you a major version of our cbcsrf module, so you can protect your ColdBox applications from cross-site request forgery vectors. This is a major overhaul of the module and it will also be part of the cbSecurity module as well.

cbSecurity 2.4 Released
This release adds the inclusion of the Cross Site Request Forgery module into cbsecurity: cbcsrf.

Quick 3.0.0-Alpha.1
Released, live on the show… available quick@be on forgebox.

What's New In CommandBox 5  Screencast Series

Brad recorded a series of Screencasts being released every Tuesday and Thursday, this is what has been released so far.
Lucee Extension Management - https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/whats-new-in-commandbox-5-lucee-extension-management

Git Access Tokens - https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/whats-new-in-commandbox-5-git-access-tokens

Library Updates - https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/whats-new-in-commandbox-5-library-updates

Upcoming Adobe Webinar - Journey through the Adobe ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Tool

Presenter: Elishia Dvorak
April 9th, 11am PDT
This session is all about demos, no slides! From start to finish, we’ll take you through the nitty gritty of troubleshooting and setting yourself up in Adobe’s ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Tool to troubleshoot the main issues that keep you awake at night. We’ll run through setting up different types of notifications, threshold settings, auto tuning, and even some simulations to give you a good sense of how the PMT can help you diagnose your craziest ColdFusion issues.

Reminder: ContentBox CMS Customer Experience Survey

ContentBox, our signature professional open-source modular content management system for ColdFusion (CFML),  recently celebrated 8 years in the market. For sure, it has been a solid base for many companies to easily build websites, blogs, wikis, complex web applications, and RESTFul web services.
We are ramping up our planning for our next generation of the ContentBox platform and we need your feedback.
Please take some time to let us know your opinion, so we can start cooking some CMS goodness!

Reminder: State of the CF Union 2020 Survey

Help us find out the state of the CF Union – what versions of CFML Engine do people use, what frameworks, tools etc. We will share the summary results with everyone who completes the survey so that you can see how you compare with other CF developers.
Most questions are multiple choice checkboxes that are fast to answer. Thanks for your time completing this survey!


Adobe CF Summit East 2020 - Cancelled

Adobe - ColdFusion Specialist Certification POST Conference - CANCELLED

Ortus Solutions - Build Secure MVC ColdFusion Applications - Pre Conference - Cancelled

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