2020-04-14 Weekly News - Episode 49

Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtu.be/ajxoFXlo6oQ


Eric Peterson - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions
Show your support, and visit our BoxLife Store Has Come to Life!

Patreon Support
We are at the 43% mark for fully funding all of our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: patreon.com/ortussolutions . If you love our podcasts and all we do for the #coldfusion #cfml community consider chipping in, we are almost there!

News and Events

Our BoxLife Store Has Come to Life!

At Ortus, we are living the #BoxLife. This encompasses taking pride in all things #Box, as well as creating new products that align with our pillars of modernization and innovation. It was then that our designers were tasked with creating designs that would represent what we love and do.

For our debut, we chose Astro Girl, which symbolizes the strength and ambition of women in every field. Next, we have our Love for Coding design. This one came about in our February blogs and newsletter. What else could better represent us than our love for coding? Following we have our Modernize or Die art. There is no way we could exclude our motto and guiding principle.  Up next, we have our ColdBox hero. Our beloved logos were also taken into consideration and were given a line just for them. We will be adding more of these in due time.

Blog: https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/our-boxlife-store-has-come-to-life
Store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/shop#!/all?listModeOverride=DESIGN

Free Into the Box ticket on Twitter

Find out tweet, reply and retweet to go into the draw for a free ticket to INTO THE BOX online conference in under a month.

Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 9 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 15 released

In this update, apart from fixing the security vulnerabilities, we’ve also added SameSite cookie support for cfcookie.
These updates fix security vulnerabilities that are mentioned in the security bulletin,  APSB20-18.
Please update your ColdFusion versions today. Let us know if you face any issues while installing the updates. Your feedback is essential to further enhancing the product.
We thank you for your continuing support.

CFWheels 2.1 Released

Today sees the release of CFWheels 2.1. Only a couple of bug fixes since the beta, so please refer to the changelog for a list of all changes.

VS Code Extension released

We are so excited to announce the first release of the CommandBox VSCode extension. This extension is thanks to the great work of (Kamasamak - Matthew Brown) and will integrate CommandBox into VS Code.

cbORM v2.5.0 released

We are so excited to bring you yet another minor release for our cborm project to version 2.5. This is a very exciting release as it brings about automatic RESTFul CRUD for ORM entities based on ColdBox 6 resources.

Quick 3.0.0 Alpha Extensive Blog Post and Docs have Started

Released, live on the show last week… available as `[email protected]` on ForgeBox.

What's New In CommandBox 5  Screencast Series

Brad recorded a series of Screencasts being released every Tuesday and Thursday, this is what has been released so far.

New - Undertow Options - https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/whats-new-in-commandbox-5-undertow-options

New - Tuning Web Server Max Requests - https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/whats-new-in-commandbox-5-tuning-web-server-max-requests

Lucee Extension Management - https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/whats-new-in-commandbox-5-lucee-extension-management

Git Access Tokens - https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/whats-new-in-commandbox-5-git-access-tokens

Library Updates - https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/whats-new-in-commandbox-5-library-updates

Upcoming Ortus Webinar - What's New with CommandBox 5 with Brad Wood

April 30th 11:00 AM EST (GMT -5:00)
Registration is open for April's webinar! You may have noticed that #CommandBox 5.0 released recently and it has many new features and enhancements to improve your development workflow.
Register today

Past Adobe Webinar - Journey through the Adobe ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Tool

Presenter: Elishia Dvorak
April 9th, 11am PDT
This session is all about demos, no slides! From start to finish, we’ll take you through the nitty gritty of troubleshooting and setting yourself up in Adobe’s ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Tool to troubleshoot the main issues that keep you awake at night. We’ll run through setting up different types of notifications, threshold settings, auto tuning, and even some simulations to give you a good sense of how the PMT can help you diagnose your craziest ColdFusion issues.

Reminder: ContentBox CMS Customer Experience Survey

ContentBox, our signature professional open-source modular content management system for ColdFusion (CFML),  recently celebrated 8 years in the market. For sure, it has been a solid base for many companies to easily build websites, blogs, wikis, complex web applications, and RESTFul web services.
We are ramping up our planning for our next generation of the ContentBox platform and we need your feedback.
Please take some time to let us know your opinion, so we can start cooking some CMS goodness!

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