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Today:  The worst thing you could thing of happened in 2004 at a little school in Beslan.  Over 1,100 people including about 800 kids where taken hostage.  In the end about 330 people died, 172 where children and over 800 where injured.

 Executions started day one.  By day three things fell apart and the battle began.  The battle raged for over 10 hours.  5,000 soldiers and police where there, with over 20,000 spectators.  Ten Russian Special forces soldiers gave their lives trying to save the children.

49 Terrorist where involved, 31 where killed during the attack, and only 17 where ever identified.  No one really knows what happened to the rest of them.

Get the book here! Terror at Beslan


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Podcast Outline:

Day 1 Heard as many people into the school to take as many hostages as possible The towns people came out in force an estimated 5,000 armed militia showed up and started shooting at the terrorists Brutalization of the Hostages Began almost immediately Make the strongest males do work to fortify positions, and then excuted all of them Raped the Girls Beat People No food or water No AC and kept most hostages in the gym with temps over 100 degrees in the day Random executions inf front of people Bodies piling up so much so becoming a health hazard in the heat Terrorist prepared, worked as a team, and knew Russian tactics Terrorist taking drugs to stay awake Terrorist starting arguing among themselves No real military leader Constant gun fire between the militia and terrorsits Day 2 Towns people became a problem, they thought the Russians would kill all the kids to get the terrorist. They had no trust in the Russian soldiers and tried to stop them Random gun fights continue all day Early morning last 5 big males lined upstairs facing the courtyard where they could be seen, executed IEDs everywhere with dead man switches and bombs hanging by basketball hoops in the gym where almost everyone kept Released 32 hostages, breast feeding women and youngest kids, but made mothers choose which kid to take with them Finally demands, all Russians leave Chechnya That night some Terrorist tried to escape but militia pushed them back Spotters found in the crowd by civilians, and the civilians killed them quickly Military couldn’t come up with a good assault plan because of everything going on More drugs and less sleep for everyone Day 3 Food and water declined again 1250 Relief workers to enter the court yard and collect some bodies 105pm, bodies started being thrown from second floor down to relief workers As first body was loaded there was an explosion The fight was one Both sides thought the other had started the attack The terrorist started trying to kill as many people as possible Explosions happened in the gym and lots of bodies thrown outside First unit made the decision to enter 35 minutes later Tank was used to blow a hole to get into the building Soldier stood in the open trying to put there bodies between themselves and now escaping hostages Soldiers ran back and forth using their bodies to protect kids escaping Once inside, a fight raged inside the cafeteria where lots of hostages where being held, terrorist using hostages as shields trying to kill the soldiers and the hostages Once out of the cafeteria, soldiers ran into a machine gun nest between them and the gym, again using hostages as human shields Another unit entered the school from the other side and headed towards the gym Got the terrorist on the first floor Second floor was worst fighting then the first. Once the foot hold was gained the soldiers moved forward with kids hiding behind them as cover because there was no where else to go in the small areas and fighting Terrorist started trying to escape and blend into the crowds outside with the hostages leaving Finally the second floor was taken One last push into the basement, the fighting was tough but by then the soldiers where no longer having any restraint, they ran in full force. After they thought it was done, they found another strong hold a little ways away where a group of terrorist had gathered trying to survive. The Russians used RPS and heavy machine guns to end it. The End: 330 Dead, including 172 children, and 700 wounded 10 Russian Special forces died and 1 regular soldier 31 of the original 49 terrorist were killed in the school, but only 17 where ever identified The fire in the Gym burned to strong that much of the bodies there couldn’t be identified It took 4 months to determine the hostages that had been killed


Get your copy of the book and learn more: Terror at Beslan


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