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Today:  Today is a Truck Talk Tuesday (TTT).  Just you and me on a long drive sitting in the truck talking about guns and self defense.

Can you do something and should you do something are very different questions.  We need to understand the difference.

On Can/Could do something: Legally and Physically.  You need to know both.

On Should comes the moral and ethical part that will make you question yourself during a conflict.  Now is the time to answer that question. 

I’m not going to “Should” on you, but you should answer that question for yourself in as many situations as you can think of.  Then discuss the ones you aren’t sure about.

I’m going through one right now in my mind that I mention on the podcast.  Here’s a link to the video about the one I’m trying to determine my should.



Upcoming Courses Beyond Concealed Carry San Antonio Oct 26 and Nov 9, 2019 Beyond Concealed Carry Qual Day in San Antonio, TX Oct 27 and Nov 10, 2019 Click here for current course list. Got Ammo? Need it? Go to Lucky Gunner.  When I need ammo, it’s where I go.  Check it out.  Great prices and a really easy site to use. Get Better for only a couple bucks a month Over 60 pieces of content to train you to be better. Free Video on the front page Discounts to courses and holsters Newest Interview gives you all the information you need to know about Pelvic Shots: Do they work? Should you use them? Sign Up Here! $75 Annual Membership $8 Monthly Membership


Thanks for listening, don’t forget to check out the Shooter’s Club, and if you need ammo check out Lucky Gunner.

Stay Safe,
