Normally on the podcast, we cover many different approaches to help create paid traffic or run successful campaigns. However, what often gets in the way of this is what occurs before you even get to that step; and it happens in our own minds. It’s the limiting beliefs and blockages that stop you from creating the content that you know will help the people that read it and help your business. That’s why we’re very excited to have Erin Pheil on the podcast, as Erin has been instrumental in helping me to identify my strengths and weaknesses, which has allowed me to become the most productive version of myself.


Episode Discussions: What to do about being overwhelmed Big tip on how to start the process of correction How to overcome challenges and keep making progress The importance of mindset Adam’s secret for best performing copy “Head Trash” A better optimal state Look at it and evaluate it Habits of high performers Unwrapping an interpretation The Four Agreements: Don’t take things personally “The Possibilities Game”




Erin’s Story Holds a BA in psychology and an MA in social media Co-founder of Mindfix Group, a rapid mind transformation program designed specifically for high achievers and entrepreneurs Mindfix provides relief and the permanent fix that people are always searching for but can’t always find in books and courses



Overwhelmed in marketing

What should someone do if they don’t know where to start?

Find out what the root problem is

Overwhelm could be stemming from many different reasons




Example: Two Clients

Both are overwhelmed, but the feeling comes from different problems

No one can just give a step-by-step guide to help universally (which is why self-help books don’t always help



Insight to what’s happening

Once you notice you’re falling into a pattern, PAUSE

Ask yourself: “What are the thoughts that are showing up right now?”

Pay attention to the, and write them down

Read them out and recognize the pattern



Example: Perfectionist

Client tried this and realized that she thought everything she did had to be perfect

No one can ever do everything perfectly, so she froze



Mindset is unbelievably important

If you can come into your marketing from a position of power and positivity, that’s where the sales are made

It changes the way you write and the way you present yourself

It also makes it easier to connect with people on an emotional level



Adam’s secret for his best performing ad copy

Avoid being in a bad place mentally



“Head Trash”

The more that’s in your head (especially thoughts of failure) the harder it is to become calm and confident

Clear out the trash



What’s the next step after you’ve written down your thoughts?

There’s no solid solution, but calling attention to it helps Sometimes just writing it down helps your mind to click and stop Working with someone one-on-one is a better way


Better optimal state

“It decreases that charge—the emotion that’s coming from believing everything that’s on that piece of paper”


Viewing through a third person lens helps you to put perspective on your thoughts

Once you call attention to it and can separate yourself from it, your confidence goes up



Once your confidence goes up, your marketing and business results will go up



Look at it and evaluate it

Look at what you’ve just written out Ask yourself if it’s true (try to be positive, usually it isn’t!) When the head trash gets cleared out, there’s nothing to write down anymore



What are some habits that you’ve seen among the high performers that they’ve instilled in their lives?

One process works really well that they engage in regularly…

Throughout the day we apply our own interpretations to the events that happen These interpretations fuse together in our minds and we see them as reality We can feel negatively about this “reality” High performers make it a habit to unwrap their interpretation from the event They see these events as neutral, and separate themselves from them Possibilities as to why an event happened become limitless when you don’t involve yourself



The Four Agreements

Don’t take it personally – what people say to you is a reflection of what they’re going through, it’s not necessarily to do with you The paradigm shift of Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is another example



“The Possibilities Game”

If you’re triggered by someone cutting you off while driving, the ONLY reason you’re feeling upset is because you’re interpreting it in a certain way

Come up with four other possibilities for why the person would do that You can make up stories like “maybe they need to get to the hospital” By telling another story, it breaks up the rigidity of what that “reality” is



Jumping to conclusions in marketing

Automatically thinking your content isn’t good enough because no one is watching it

In reality, it’s a long game; it might just be the wrong time

Negative comments on Facebook ads

Don’t take it personally



When you see those comments (or none at all) be empathetic

The more we can empathize with our target market, the better we’ll be at marketing

By putting ourselves in their shoes we can create high converting campaigns and messages that resonate


Mentioned in this episode:


Mind Fix Group

Erin Pheil (personal website)

Facebook page

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruez

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey