Today's episode is an exciting one, as it's the first time we've talked about Live Event Marketing. Nate Bailey, Lead Trainer and Lead Coach of the Prosperity Revolution, breaks down his complete lead gen funnel for us that he uses for his live events. The reason this is such an interesting subject is because live events are an amazing business-boosting opportunity.


Even if you don't intend on doing live events, it's always beneficial to look behind the scenes at someone else's funnel and how they have it structured. When you start looking closely at funnels for a better understanding, you'll find some underlying trends and themes that you'll be able to apply to different areas of your business. So, whether you are brand new to funnels or live events, or you're trying to optimize the one you have, this podcast is going to have something for you.


Episode Discussions Nate’s story The Prosperity Revolution Breakdown of marketing for live events Facebook advertising The early days of Nate’s live events Behind the scenes of these events today Breakdown of the current even Nate’s running The most effective questions to ask your clients Advice for starting out




Nate’s story The Prosperity Revolution Lead Trainer and Lead Coach Working with entrepreneurs to help them be wealthy in all areas of life Clients come from all over the world “Man Wealth” for men, “Shield Maiden” for women



Breakdown of marketing for live events

Ever-changing, always evolving

Finding the right type of people who have the ability to invest in themselves and want to

Uses Facebook advertising

Testing different models and messages, as well as different videos, funnels, ads, etc.



Facebook Advertising

Ongoing and complex process to dial things in You must figure out how much you’re willing to spend to get a client/leads Have faith in your system, your message and the results you’ll be able to get Requires a level of commitment



Early days of the events

“Do you remember what you did and what those initial results were?”

- Guerilla marketing only takes you so far

- Traditional methods of advertising:

Putting money in Tweaking and re-tweaking Targeting

Get more comfortable spending more money

Once you see the results coming in, you get more comfortable



Behind the scenes

People don’t realize the whole process that goes into these things

Marketing becomes an integral part of you and your business



Breakdown of the current live event Nate’s running now

High-ticket event ($5000-$10,000) Low-ticket group ($300-$500) Includes a video ad or mini documentary (30 mins) of what they do If the person likes what they see, they fill out an application The application asks a lot of questions and sets the tone for what investing in themselves requires There is then an hour-long sales call which encloses them into the program



What’s the wording of the main questions you found to be most effective?


“Are you willing to do what’s required to get the results that you want?”

Other questions explore what the rest of their life looks like

“This is a significant investment to work with us and get the results”

“Are you willing to invest up to [x amount of money] to get the results you want?”



What if they say no?

We try to redirect them, which doesn’t work well when you’re dealing with high-ticket sales (they want the best, which is what you’re offering)

Retarget, send emails, invites for the group content

Keeping the leads on the list and continually reaching out



Infusionsoft for management Wufoo Form for application



The follow-up

Sending texts, emails, phoning

Can take a couple times to warm them up and build a relationship



The more you can play the long game and look to the future with your vision, the better off you’ll be Sometimes it takes clients years before they sign up Those who have followed you for a long time understand what you’re about, so it’s easy to set expectations



Did you test image ads against it as well and find the video performed best?


The right video ad can crush it, but images can also work just as well if you don’t have time for a video

There’s nothing stopping you from finding an image and writing some good copy



It all takes practice and time

You have to dig deep to find out what’s going on with them and show you can help


“Just like trying to figure out which funnel works best…practice, practice, practice”




Funnel walkthrough and recap:

Mini documentary (30 mins) video ad clip Opting – offering the full-length video If they like the video, they fill out an application form designed to extract the max amount of information from the prospect What we want to do is learn as much as possible so we know we’re the best ones to help them, but not overwhelm them with too many questions Main pillar prequalifying question: Are they serious about this investment (this allows you to find interested buyers) Then they get the opportunity to schedule a strategy call with you to seal the deal and make sure you’re the right fit for each other



Mentioned in this episode:

Man Wealth

Shield Maiden

Pro Rev Live – pared down version of my Facebook ad agency