This week's podcast guest is Charlene Li, Principal Analyst at Altimeter, a Prophet Company. Back on episode 94, we discussed key takeaways from her book The Engaged Leader. Charlene has authored five books and is a popular keynote speaker. As an expert in social media and digital technologies, Charlene gives a lot of attention and thought to the disruption of technology on business and how companies need to evolve.

On this episode, we dig into one of Altimeter’s most recent research reports conducted by Charlene, The Transformation of Selling: How Digital Enables Seamless Selling. You'll learn a lot about what's in the report on this podcast, but I strongly encourage you to download it. It's free, and there's just no way we could cover everything in this episode.

Two years ago Charlene realized how significantly social selling is changing. This morphed her focus of the report to include more than just social selling. It now covers the entire sales process. Tune into this episode to hear current research from this report.

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