One of the easiest ways for new Realtors to push themselves out of the industry and become one of the 87% who doesn't make it, is to follow what the top producers are doing.  Now I'm not saying you can't take advice and follow their lead, but be careful with trying to keep up with the "expense"

Realtors are a huge market for other companies to sell to, I'm sure just like me, you get more than your fair share of sales calls DAILY.

The next shiny object is right around the corner and if you keep chasing them you are sure to find yourself back at a 9-5 and part of the 87%!

Enough with the doom and gloom.  There is a bright side.

After over a decade as Police Officer and Detective Eric Sachs started a real estate business, actually TWO.  He grew those businesses to a successful level and then received an offer to buy them, but that offer came with a non-compete.  So what next?

After attending a NAR convention Eric and Nathan noticed that only a small number of vendors offered a great product for Realtors and a reasonable price, and that's when it hit them!


Eric and Nathan set out to create the largest library of FREE products and materials for Realtors available.

Don't get this twisted in any way that because the products and materials are free that they are cheap, these are top-notch, professionally designed pieces that will help any agent look great in the marketplace!

Top tips for new agents from Eric Sachs:

1) You have to put every single person you know into your CRM!  Everyone you know from your contacts list A-Z.  Reach and to each and update their contact info.  Then go through your facebook contacts, Linkedin contacts, and your spouse's phone too.  Create your database!   
***Market to the people you know and make them feel like you are the only Realtor in the world they should refer business to!***

2) Be social with other people and other businesses.  Stop wasting time with happy hours with other Realtors!  They aren't sending you business.   Identify the "popular" people in your sphere (database) and take them to coffee. 

3) Search the MLS, find the BEST deal and then reach out to your SOI and talk to them about it.  "I don't know if you are looking or perhaps you know someone that is, but I just found this great deal and wanted to tell you about it"

When you reach out to people in your database always reach out with a purpose.  Don't call with "hey I'm just calling to check in"👎🏻 See tip #3

If you got some value out of today's show we would love it if you would subscribe and come back for more great info.  If you like what we are doing and really want to show your support please give us a rating and a review, that would be awesome! 

Thanks - see you next week!

Our host Rick Gonzalez is a Realtor with REAL Brokerage LLC in the NW Florida Panhandle, and Team Leader of the Anchor Here Group.  Rick is a US Navy Veteran.  Rick also founded The Freeport Insider, a local community on social media helping to support his small but rapidly growing community.  Rick has also served as the Vice President of his local Freeport Merchants Association helping educate, market and support the local business in his market.  Rick is a Son, Husband to his wonderfully supportive and beautiful wife Katrina, and Father to 3 amazing kids Olivia, Alexzander and Hannah.

You can find Rick online at:

@modernagentpodcast on IG