Previous Episode: What Consumers Want

What’s your first go-to when you find yourself with free time in the evenings or on the weekend? Do you find yourself reaching for the remote to binge-watch the latest episode of your favorite show on Netflix? I know I’ve spent way too many hours watching Netflix than I would like to admit. And that’s what we’re competing with as marketers now...Netflix. It may sound crazy at first, but it’s true. All of the content we create must be more compelling than Netflix, TikTok, Instagram, etc. to entice our target audience to actually pay attention to it. As marketers, we have to find ways to make our content standout if we want it to be consumed in today’s world where consumers have unlimited access to various types of content. In this episode, we chat with JoAnn Martin, VP of Marketing at Searchspring. JoAnn has more than 10 years of marketing experience and previously held marketing roles at Hanzo, Provenir, Facile Studios, and more.