Focus on the customer. How many times have you heard that phrase uttered in your career? Probably a million. As marketers, we all know we’re supposed to put the customer at the center of what we do, but are we really keeping up with what they want? How often do we actually take a step back and start thinking about how to market to them differently because their needs and the world have changed? If you’re honest with yourself, it’s probably not as often as you would like to believe. You may not even remember the last time you spoke to a customer.
That’s got to change starting right now. What consumers want has drastically changed and we need to think about marketing to them differently than we have in the past. In this episode, we chat with Mathew Sweezey, Director of Market Strategy at Salesforce, author, podcast host, multiple award-winning marketers, pioneer of the marketing automation space, and regarded as one of the top minds on the future of Marketing.