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MNC Fellowship

914 episodes - English - Latest episode: 28 days ago - ★★★★★ - 21 ratings

Sermons and radio broadcasts from Ministers of the New Covenant Fellowship located in Georgia. A congregation that holds to faith in Yeshua and keeping the commandments of Yahweh.

Christianity Religion & Spirituality Education bible scripture hebrew greek yahweh yeshua torah new covenant
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720 What Leaven do we Remove from our Homes? (Ex. 12:15, 19-20)

April 09, 2022 04:00 - 38 minutes - 26.5 MB

Around spring-time every year I get this question from multiple people, people who desire to obey Yahweh to the best of their ability. This lesson covers why we call it the “Feast of Unleavened Bread,” and looks at interpreting Scripture according to the cultural context in which it was given. I talk about bread, leaven, starter dough, and making bread from scratch.

719 Q&A + Meat Eating vs. Veganism (Ex. 20:24; Gen. 1:26-28)

March 24, 2022 04:00 - 47 minutes - 10.8 MB

In this final lesson on altars and sacrifices I answer some of the questions I've received from brothers and sisters who've been listening to the teachings. Then I go into a very brief exegesis of Jeremiah 7:22-23 (an objection often given to animal sacrifice), and end with looking at the subject of meat-eating verses veganism in Scripture. Was mankind vegan before the flood, or did veganism at least exist pre-fall?

718 Sacrifices and Goat Demons (Leviticus 17:1-9)

March 17, 2022 04:00 - 35 minutes - 8.09 MB

The strongest opposition to private sacrifices comes from Leviticus 17, but is the text actually opposition or are we missing a bigger picture? Listen to learn about opposing sides within ancient Judaism, the reason for the common in Leviticus 17, and how a goat demon plays a part in the big picture.

717 Private Sacrifices: Manoah, David, Naaman (Judges 13; 2 Samuel 24; 2 Kings 5)

March 10, 2022 05:00 - 36 minutes - 8.33 MB

The examples of individuals building altars and offering sacrifices in Genesis are sufficient, but the evidence doesn't stop there. After entrance into the promised land, there are still approved examples where individuals offered some animal sacrifices apart from the Temple and the Levite Priesthood. This lesson will even cover one case where a non-Israelite seeks to offer a sacrifice in a foreign land, and receives the approval of an ordained prophet.

716 The Genesis Example (Ex. 20:24; Gen. 4-35)

March 02, 2022 05:00 - 35 minutes - 8.05 MB

Those of us in the Torah Community, when wanting to show an even greater validity of obedience to the commandments of Yah, often go to Genesis to bolster our view... unless we are dealing with animal sacrifices. Why? Why do we think that what Abel or Noah did can't be done today?

715 The Better Blood of Messiah (Ex. 20:24; Heb. 9:11-24)

February 23, 2022 05:00 - 36 minutes - 8.33 MB

Before I talk more about altars, and the worship and service performed at them by individual worshipers of Yahweh, I felt I needed to clarify what animal sacrifices are not for (and never were for). When people hear someone like me talk about sacrificing an animal in a religious sense, their mind automatically starts thinking I am trying to compete or add to what Yeshua did on the cross. This is a gross misunderstanding. Listen to learn about the great and the greater, the light and the heavy.

714 Idols vs. Altars (Ex. 20:22-24)

February 16, 2022 05:00 - 35 minutes - 8.06 MB

In this lesson I cover what exactly the Second Commandment (of the Ten) is referring to, focusing in on paralleling texts in Exodus (19-20) with Deuteronomy. I then move into the subject of altars and animal sacrifices, a topic that I'll continue to develop in probably two more sermons to soon follow.

713 Trembling Before Yahweh (Ex. 20:18-21)

February 09, 2022 05:00 - 33 minutes - 7.71 MB

In this lesson I cover the effects of Yahweh Himself coming down on Mount Sinai, how we should have a holy fear of the Creator, the importance of holy leadership and placing faith in that leadership, and how staying focused on Yahweh and who He really is leads to a disciplined life of less sin.

712 The Servant Who Suffered Silently (Isaiah 53:7-9)

February 02, 2022 05:00 - 34 minutes - 7.95 MB

In this lesson we learn how the Servant, through his humiliation, took it all in stride. He didn't fight back even when forsaken. He wasn't even given the opportunity to plead his case, yet he remained faithful and stayed the course he had been appointed to.

711 Ezra, Yeshua, and Torah (Studying Torah, pt. 2)

January 24, 2022 05:00 - 38 minutes - 26.8 MB

This is a continued introduction of this series, centering in on the importance of taking heed to the law given through Moshe (Moses) on Mount Sinai. In this lesson I walk through the time period of Ezra and the restoration of Judah and Jerusalem, some 100 years after the death of King Josiah. I also look at the birth of Yeshua, and the necessity of him being born into a Torah Observant home.

710 Get Back to the Law (Studying Torah, pt. 1)

January 17, 2022 05:00 - 26 minutes - 6.05 MB

When Moses the man of Elohim died, Yahweh put Joshua the son of Nun in his place. The first instructions given to Joshua was to be careful to follow the law that Moses (Yahweh's servant) commanded. How important is this instruction today, and does it only apply to Joshua? Listen in to learn how to prosper and be successful, and how this instruction kept being passed down from generation to generation, for those who wanted to commit their way to the Creator.

709 The Stricken and Afflicted Servant (Isaiah 53:4-6)

December 05, 2021 05:00 - 33 minutes - 7.58 MB

The servant is wounded, beat, and bruised, but it's not because of his own sins, it's because of someone else's. What do we make of this? This lesson also deals with the popular belief in the modern, Charismatic movement that physical healing is promised to believers based upon the stripes Yeshua received during his beating before crucifixion.

708 The Despised and Rejected Servant (Isaiah 53:1-3)

November 05, 2021 04:00 - 41 minutes - 9.55 MB

The servant, although being described as the very arm of Yahweh, was of humble beginnings and a lowly life. It makes no sense to some, but it makes all the sense in the world to others. For exaltation to come there must first be humility.

707 The Servant Who Startles Nations (Isaiah 52:13-15)

October 07, 2021 04:00 - 34 minutes - 7.99 MB

Why back up from Isaiah 53 and start talking about Isaiah 52? Listen to learn about Biblical chapter and verse divisions in history, and how these last few verses in "Isaiah 52" reveal an individual as the ultimate slave/servant of Yahweh. This lesson also centers in on how to translate a particular word from Hebrew to English.

706 Atoning Almsgiving (Alms, pt. 4)

September 21, 2021 04:00 - 33 minutes - 7.74 MB

In this lesson I look at the idea I was first show from the book of Tobit, that almsgiving atones for sin. How in the world could that be correct and canonical? Before immediately dismissing it, walk through the Scriptures with me and let's see if there's anything else in Scripture that speaks this sort of language.

705 Introduction to the First Gospel (Isaiah 53, pt. 1)

September 15, 2021 04:00 - 45 minutes - 10.3 MB

This sermon is the first in series of lessons covering a detailed examination of Isaiah 53.

705 Introduction to the First Gospel (Isaiah 53 Overview)

September 15, 2021 04:00 - 45 minutes - 10.3 MB

This sermon is the first in series of lessons covering a detailed examination of Isaiah 53.

704 Is Almsgiving Like the Prosperity Gospel? (Alms, pt. 3)

September 02, 2021 04:00 - 41 minutes - 9.42 MB

Many have heard the account of the Rich Young Ruler, but not everyone has taken in what I believe to be the key point of the passage - giving to the poor. Does giving to the poor really increase a person's treasure, and is the concept of meritorious almsgiving just mimicking the modern day Prosperity Gospel?

703 Yah Rewards Giving to the Poor (Alms, pt. 2)

August 26, 2021 04:00 - 25 minutes - 5.89 MB

This lesson covers many of the Scriptures that speak of meritorious almsgiving - that giving to the poor brings about the blessing of Yahweh on a person's life, most specifically in the after-life (at the resurrection of the righteous). The Scriptures are plenty and clear on this subject, but systems of religion have kept us, nay scared us, away from believing that something we do earns a reward.

702 The Power of Prayer (Eph. 6:18-24, pt. 43)

August 17, 2021 04:00 - 27 minutes - 6.3 MB

Prayer is a powerful tool, but we must learn to use it properly. The best prayer you could ever pray if for someone's spiritual betterment. 

701 The Power of Almsgiving

August 16, 2021 04:00 - 31 minutes - 7.22 MB

When you hear someone read a Bible verse that says "Sell your possessions and give the money to the poor," you probably think of the story of the Rich Young Ruler. But... Yeshua didn't just say that to this young ruler. He said the same thing to thousands of people that listened to him teach. There is such a thing as meritorious almsgiving and even atoning almsgiving. If that shocks you, don't answer a matter before you hear it. Listen to this lesson and then examine the Scriptures to see if...

701 The Power of Almsgiving (Alms, pt. 1)

August 16, 2021 04:00 - 31 minutes - 7.22 MB

When you hear someone read a Bible verse that says "Sell your possessions and give the money to the poor," you probably think of the story of the Rich Young Ruler. But... Yeshua didn't just say that to this young ruler. He said the same thing to thousands of people that listened to him teach. There is such a thing as meritorious almsgiving and even atoning almsgiving. If that shocks you, don't answer a matter before you hear it. Listen to this lesson and then examine the Scriptures to see if...

700 The Spiritual Sword (Eph. 6:17b, pt. 42)

July 13, 2021 04:00 - 44 minutes - 10.2 MB

There is only one offensive weapon in the armor we are called to adorn in our battle against the enemy - the sword. This is not a physical sword, but a spiritual one, whereby we skillfully cut away at the dark forces that try to steal, kill, and destroy. We have the very Words of Yahweh at our grasp. We must use them properly, and the only way to do that is to know them well.

699 Pentecost: an Overview

July 02, 2021 04:00 - 41 minutes - 9.62 MB

In this lesson I give somewhat of a crash course on the second of the three major festivals in the Hebrew year. I cover (1) the names for this feast, (2) what this feast is a memorial of, (3) the sacrifices commanded and associated with this feast, and (4) the rejoicing and gifts brought this this feast.

698 The Helmet of Salvation (Eph. 6:17a, pt. 41)

June 11, 2021 04:00 - 40 minutes - 9.23 MB

What did Paul mean when he attached the idea or reality of salvation to a helmet? Listen to learn about our past, present, and future with Yahweh, and the hope that we believers have.

697 We Stop Reading Too Soon (New Covenant, pt. 3)

June 02, 2021 04:00 - 46 minutes - 10.6 MB

Most people begin speaking on or thinking about the New Covenant with Hebrews 8 or 2 Corinthians 3. That's too late in the game. We should begin - at least - with Jeremiah 31, and then pull from either further than that based on key words in the text. But then, you have a lot of people that read Jeremiah 31:31-34 and stop. They don't finish chapter 31, much less go into chapter 32 and 33. This lesson challenges the traditional thinking about the New Covenant, asking us to delve into the next...

696 New Land and New Spirit (New Covenant, pt. 2)

May 26, 2021 04:00 - 32 minutes - 7.46 MB

The better promises of the New Covenant do not stop at Jeremiah 31:34. The rest of Jeremiah 31 (and 32-33) continue to speak on the matter, as well as parallel prophecies in the books of Isaiah, Micah, and Ezekiel. I also look at the question of "Do we possess the Spirit of Yahweh in our hearts now?"

695 What is the New Covenant? (Jer. 31:31-34)

May 19, 2021 04:00 - 41 minutes - 9.59 MB

In this lesson I give some preliminary thoughts about what has happened in my life as a Torah Observant Christian over the last 23+ years. I then begin walking through the prophecy in Jeremiah 31 (beginning at verse 31) and define words, phrases, and concepts using Scripture alone. Very few people have a correct understanding on what the New Covenant actually is, but I promise you that it's not difficult to figure out if we just stay with Holy Scripture.

695 What is the New Covenant? (New Covenant, pt. 1)

May 19, 2021 04:00 - 41 minutes - 9.59 MB

In this lesson I give some preliminary thoughts about what has happened in my life as a Torah Observant Christian over the last 23+ years. I then begin walking through the prophecy in Jeremiah 31 (beginning at verse 31) and define words, phrases, and concepts using Scripture alone. Very few people have a correct understanding on what the New Covenant actually is, but I promise you that it's not difficult to figure out if we just stay with Holy Scripture.

694 The Shield of Faith (Eph. 6:16, pt. 40)

May 12, 2021 04:00 - 35 minutes - 8.18 MB

Part 4 in the series on the Armor of Yahweh. This lesson looks at how we block the fiery darts of the enemy, and is a call to action during the perilous times of our life.

693 Feet Sandaled with Peace (Eph. 6:15, pt. 39)

April 13, 2021 04:00 - 34 minutes - 8.01 MB

What does it mean to have your feet sandaled with the gospel of peace? It's so important that we put on this part of the armor, probably more important than you ever realized.

692 The Breastplate of Righteousness (Eph. 6:14, pt. 38)

March 05, 2021 05:00 - 39 minutes - 8.96 MB

This lesson covers exactly what the righteousness Paul speaks of here is. The breastplate was arguably the most important part of a soldiers battle wear, covering both the stomach (bowels) and the heart.

691 The Armor of Yahweh, pt. 1 (Eph. 6:14, pt. 37)

February 12, 2021 05:00 - 41 minutes - 9.53 MB

In order for us to be equipped for spiritual battle we have to be wearing spiritual armor. In this lesson, brother TJ Martin begins dissecting each tool in the Armor of Yahweh, so that we can know exactly what it takes to defeat the Devil and all he stands for. He specifically centers in on what the belt of truth actually is.

691 The Armor of Yahweh (Eph. 6:14, pt. 37)

February 12, 2021 05:00 - 41 minutes - 9.53 MB

In order for us to be equipped for spiritual battle we have to be wearing spiritual armor. In this lesson, brother TJ Martin begins dissecting each tool in the Armor of Yahweh, so that we can know exactly what it takes to defeat the Devil and all he stands for. He specifically centers in on what the belt of truth actually is.

690 Serving Yahweh Through Our Problems

November 30, 2020 05:00 - 41 minutes - 28.9 MB

This lesson deals with all the crazy stuff that happens in the everyday life of a human. Yahweh's path isn't always a walk through the park. Sometimes we go through the valley of the shadow of death. The main thing is that we keep the faith. We must run the race until we cross our finish line. Don't give up. Keep on keeping on.

689 Mary Magdalene (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 11)

November 23, 2020 05:00 - 29 minutes - 20 MB

She's been called the mystery woman by some historians. Who was Mary Magdalene? Was she the wife of the Lord? Did she engage in prostitution? Listen to learn of the portrait that Holy Scripture paints for us for this woman, and be amazed in the way that Almighty Yahweh works among His children.

688 The Samaritan Woman (Strong Women in Scripture, Pt. 10)

November 14, 2020 05:00 - 34 minutes - 7.95 MB

The Samaritan woman in John 4 has usually gotten a bad rap. Why do people view her as a known sinner, when the text never says anything like this? In this lesson, I go through John 4 and hit the highlights, including the comments Yeshua made to her about her many husbands. You'll probably hear some things in this lesson that you've never heard before in a sermon.

687 How Yeshua Treated Women (Strong Women in Scripture, Pt. 9)

November 07, 2020 05:00 - 30 minutes - 6.89 MB

During the ministry of Yeshua, he had several encounters with women. Did you know that he had women disciples who traveled along with him (with the twelve)? Listen to learn about the many ways which our Master included, upheld, and encouraged women - even in the midst of a culture that often did not do those things.

686 Huldah the Prophetess (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 8)

October 31, 2020 04:00 - 36 minutes - 8.27 MB

If you mention the name Huldah to the average church-goer, you will likely get a blank look from their face. Why is it that Huldah, a great prophetess of Yahweh, is overlooked or not even known? Listen to learn how she was used as Yahweh's spokeswoman at a time of distress in the nation of Judah. Recommended reading about Huldah; Chapter 10 of this book:

685 The Ministries of Miriam and Deborah (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 7)

October 24, 2020 04:00 - 31 minutes - 7.18 MB

In this lesson I begin looking at female prophets in the Bible. I look at the leadership roles of Miriam and Deborah, and highlight specifics in their life. Women that Yahweh used like this teach us that women can lead, even over men.

684 The Office of a Prophet (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 6)

October 17, 2020 04:00 - 32 minutes - 7.5 MB

In order to understand the weight and significance of the prophetess we need to spend some time looking at what it meant to be a prophet. Whatever can be ascribed to the male prophet can also be ascribed to the prophetess (female prophet). This will help us grasp how important women like Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah were to the nation of Israel.

684 The Office of a Prophet (Strong Women, Accompaniment Sermon)

October 17, 2020 04:00 - 32 minutes - 7.5 MB

In order to understand the weight and significance of the prophetess we need to spend some time looking at what it meant to be a prophet. Whatever can be ascribed to the male prophet can also be ascribed to the prophetess (female prophet). This will help us grasp how important women like Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah were to the nation of Israel.

683 Studying the Whole Bible (Strong Women, Accompaniment Sermon)

October 02, 2020 04:00 - 27 minutes - 6.28 MB

This lesson is part of the series of "Strong Women in Scripture," but it is more of an accompaniment sermon to the series. It was needed in order to highlight proper Bible study, and how this method of study has changed my views on so many issues in the last twenty plus years. The lesson centers in on letting the Older Testament be the foundation and basis for faith and practice.

683 Studying the Whole Bible (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 5)

October 02, 2020 04:00 - 27 minutes - 6.28 MB

This lesson is part of the series of "Strong Women in Scripture," but it is more of an accompaniment sermon to the series. It was needed in order to highlight proper Bible study, and how this method of study has changed my views on so many issues in the last twenty plus years. The lesson centers in on letting the Older Testament be the foundation and basis for faith and practice.

682 The Women Who Saved Moses (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 4)

September 17, 2020 04:00 - 23 minutes - 5.49 MB

We hear so much about Moses, but we rarely hear about the women who saved Moses early on in his life. Listen to learn about the bravery and faithfulness of the Hebrew women who lived in Egyptian bondage.

681 Unloved and Overlooked (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 3)

September 10, 2020 04:00 - 31 minutes - 7.33 MB

I've been in church my entire life, and I have never once heard a sermon taught on Leah (a wife of Jacob-Israel). The way Leah was treated and viewed was awful, but Scripture and history teaches that she remained steadfast towards Yahweh through it all. Listen to learn how her faithfulness finally gained the reward she had been looking for for many years.

680 Was the Fall Eve's Fault? (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 2)

September 03, 2020 04:00 - 50 minutes - 11.6 MB

It's been said by some that the fall into sin was the fault of the woman. Songs have even been written about this. Is it true? Was what happened in Genesis 3 primarily the woman's fault? Or is there more to this that we are overlooking?

679 Eve the Helper (Strong Women in Scripture, pt. 1)

August 27, 2020 18:00 - 33 minutes - 7.59 MB

Intro lesson to the series. I cover Male and Female in Genesis 1, 2, and 5, centering in on the equal value Eve held with Adam. I also look at the word "helper" in Genesis 2:18 in order to see if it carries a meaning of lower value as some have suggested.

678 Look at the Wildflowers (Matthew 6.25-34)

April 01, 2020 04:00 - 42 minutes - 9.84 MB

In light of the current crisis, my mind has been focusing on Yeshua's words in his Sermon on the Mount. Worry is an easy thing to get caught up in. What is much better than worry though, is trust; a trust that not only believes but gives.

678 Look at the Wildflowers (Matthew 6.24-35)

April 01, 2020 04:00 - 42 minutes - 9.84 MB

In light of the current crisis, my mind has been focusing on Yeshua's words in his Sermon on the Mount. Worry is an easy thing to get caught up in. What is much better than worry though, is trust; a trust that not only believes but gives.