Renie Anderson - Chief Revenue Officer & Vice President Partnerships, NFL


Catherine Carlson - Senior Vice President Revenue and Strategy, Philadelphia Eagles


Brendan Lynch - Global Executive Vice President Enterprise & Revenue, Ticketmaster


Kat Frederick (moderator) - Former CMO, Live Nation


As COVID forced game play to a screeching halt requiring innovation to deliver sports to fans virtually, the traditional sports sponsorship model had to be re-invented too. Learn how the leading sports properties adjusted, created new value as their assets disappeared, managed long-term partnerships, and identified new assets and data to maximize impact. As we continue our return to fans in venues, learn how sports sponsorship has changed forever and, as importantly, what historical assets are more valuable than before. The leading executives from the NFL, Philadelphia Eagles, and Ticketmaster will discuss the increasing role of analytics, ROI, and sponsors who became partners in surviving the pandemic together.