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Considering IVF is not a light decision - mentally, emotionally or financially.  But when you have been struggling to conceive for so long, it can sometimes feel like both a life-line and that you are somehow a failure.

And it can definitely feel like a scary unknown.  But it doesn't have to be that way.

I have seen women both excited and terrified.  So when considering IVF you really do need to set yourself up right.

Because when done right, IVF can also be a rather wonderful experience.

Today I wanted to highlight for you 5 things I would consider before starting IVF to know if it is the right timing and the right decision for you.

And to change the narrative on IVF being somehow less than or something to be afraid of.

If you are considering IVF - I'm thinking of you xx



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Want Support From Me?

1. Remember if you want daily tips and advice from me (and occasionally some humour) come and hangout with me on Instagram @studiofertility

2. Download my FREE GUIDE: Fertility Mojo Makeover: 3 Ways to Regain Your Mojo and Surrender to the Journey (Without Giving Up!)

3. Or you can find out about my Program - The Fertility Shift and how you can work with me.

If you liked this episode, please take a few moments to pop into Apple iTunes and leave a podcast review. It would mean the absolute world to me and it means that more people will be able to find and enjoy the podcast.

PS. Interested In Learning More?

1. Remember if you want daily tips and advice from me (and occasionally some humour) come and hangout with me on Instagram @studiofertility

2. Download my FREE GUIDE: Fertility Mojo Makeover: 3 Ways to Regain Your Mojo and Surrender to the Journey (Without Giving Up!)

3. Or you can find out about how to work with me to get faster results here: Work with Me

If you liked this episode, please take a few moments to pop into Apple iTunes and leave a podcast review. It would mean the absolute world to me and it means that more people will be able to find and enjoy the podcast.