Nothing's more frustrating than ending your day and putting your head on a pillow and beating yourself up saying, “Why didn't I say that to that person?” or “Why didn't I raise my hand?” or “Why didn't I speak up?” or “Why didn't I take action?” “Why didn't I close that sale when that person expressed interest?”

Nothing beats us ... that was the trapped self. There is something that you were concerned with on the field of play as opposed to, “I am confident. I'm articulate. I'm decisive,” which means that in those moments, you speak up. You say something. You declare "When I find someone who can absolutely benefit from what I have, I'm going to let them know that I can help them and bring value to whatever it is that they're to go after."

That's being authentic whether you're leveraging a grizzly bear as your alter ego or Superman or Wonder Woman or JJ Virgin or insert any name. Any inspiration can come from any place, including your alter ego. This is the power of our creative imagination.