Have you ever met someone you just instantly respect?  Someone who, for what could be an unexplainable reason you simply admire for how they show up in the world?

That’s the feeling many people I know have when they meet Dr. Alan Christianson.  But it wasn’t always that way for Alan. Born with Cerebral Palsey, Alan struggled as a child to do the things most young boys take for granted.  But it was his curiosity matched with incredible discipline and consistent effort that took Alan from one of the most ridiculed kids in school to one of the most respected and admired people in Medicine.

On this episode of the Mindshare Mindcast - you’ll hear Alan’s journey, and his perspective on how things are changing, and how health professionals need to adapt if they hope to make a bigger, more meaningful impact.

Grab a cup of your favorite warm beverage (mine these days is Golden Milk) and enjoy this incredible story that took one teenager from teased to respected for the impact he’s had on tens of thousands of lives.