We are super lucky to have David Bayer with us on this Mindcast episode. David, he's on fire right now. He's been recognized as a leading expert on mindset and human intelligence, and he's the creator of the Powerful Living Experience Live, which is an event he's been holding last couple of years down in Orlando, Florida, Desiree and I are going this year. Really looking forward to that. We're going to have a Mindshare break out there, so if you join us, make sure you get tied into that.

Powerful Living Experience was named by Inc magazine as a top three must attend personal development event for entrepreneurs, and David's book, Mind Hack, has now been downloaded, something like 100,000 times. This book provides a practical step-by-step framework for evolving into that next level of human potential and what David calls becoming a phenomenon, which certainly if you've been around, you see him coming. He is certainly a phenomenon right now and that's what we're going to talk about in this episode of the Mindshare Mindcast. David, thanks for making some time for us from Mexico, great to have you!