It's 6:30 in the morning, you turn on the shower and wait for the warm water to heat up, you step in and in moments it hits you. A great business idea. Surrounded by the white noise of the warm water pulsing on your tired muscles your mind begins to fire. Quickly blasting through dozens of details, you see it all so clearly, your endorphins are raging. This is it, a big idea for your business and you can't wait to get out of the shower and capture the details and share it with your team.

Except months later you’ve got nothing to show for it. The idea has fizzled, you’re frustrated, it didn't materialize as clearly as you saw it in that morning … what happened? If you're a visionary entrepreneur you know this sequence all too well.

But what if there was a way to visually process all the questions you need to answer in order to launch a successful product or business? Or idea? Something everybody on your team could easily see and contribute to so that you're all on the same page and you can quickly flush out the details and refine your big idea into a winning idea that you can execute?

Well on today's Mindshare Mindcast we're talking business strategy and how visual systems can help you quickly process the myriad of details required to launch a winning idea. Our guest today is Alan Smith.

He's the co-founder of Strategyzer, creators of a deceptively simple visual tool used by over a million people that makes it easy to get all the details of a winning strategy nailed down. Oh, and he's also sold over two million books on business strategy to boot. Alan, welcome to the Mindshare Mindcast.