If you’re like most influencers - you’ve got an important message to share. And one of the best ways to do that is to write a book. But the BIG question is, how to you get distribution? Do you need to get on the NYTimes Best Seller’s List? Should you write a book proposal for a publishing deal, or should you self-publish?

To go deep, you need to get to Mindshare Summit this year - we’ve got some amazing breakouts that will help you get traction on your next book - but if your curious about how the traditional publishing world works, you’re going to love this episode with Celebrity Literary Agent Celeste Fine. 

What kind of impact can the right agent have for you? Well here’s a fun stat you’ll be interested in - Over the last 6 or so years, Mindshare Members have earned over $50M in book advances from publishers. That’s the power of this community. And most of the connections that resulted in that kind of support, came from those who attended the Mindshare summit!