The notion of value has always fascinated Karl, partly, because it’s so subjective. And I think it’s that subjectivity that make us many times under-value what we do for others. Because that’s the real measure of value.

Have you saved someone time, money or improved their life with what you could do better than they could do on their own?

Examples are all around - the car detailer that comes to your office or home that charges 3X more for the car wash you could get up the street if you went there, or for free if you did it yourself, but by allowing you to stay on higher value tasks - can actually make you money.

Or the Hashimotos expert who can give you a clear plan of action that gets your health back and keeps it back after your primary care doctor visit covered by insurance has failed to provide any results. What would someone be willing to pay to get it right?

Value is what your result is worth to someone. The key is finding the audience that needs what you can do for them, something this weeks guest has mastered - repeatedly, resulting in a trusted brand that consistently delivers unexpected value to his clients.

You’re going to love this episode with Dr. Sachin Patel - as we talk big picture and some interesting details about delivering value that people feel good about paying for in the health space.