Talk about resilience, Taylor Cook has pushed her mind and her body to so many limits chasing her dreams of being a professional female goaltender. From her very honest roots in Brantford, Ontario and with no formal technical goaltending training until she was 18, Taylor pushed herself to continuously be better than she was the day before. Her journey has taken her all over the map as you will hear. She now calls Oslo, Norway home. She not only coaches girls hockey, plays on a women's professional team, runs a female goaltending clinic but she's also recently been certified as a mental performance coach....I'm tired just reading that!

As Taylor continues to pursue her dreams she has had yet another slight set back as she's rehabbing her left knee after having surgery from a training accident. This girl continues to keep pushing and you have to love her resilience and grit.

Tune in to hear here story and her journey around the world! You can catch Taylor on instagram @tayy.cook or her website