Like many of us, Seanna is a Sports Parent. When she saw her seven-year-old son eating a bag of neon-orange, deep-fried corn chips at 8:00AM after hockey practice, she knew as a parent, and as a Nutritionist, that she could do better. She decided at that moment to make fuel not only healthy but CONVENIENT for players, and parents.

Seanna has been working with children and families as a Holistic Nutritional Consultant for over a decade. As a Nutritionist and Mom of three athletic kids, she knows the importance of proper nutrition for her family and yours.

She developed Hockey Snacks to make healthy eating simple and convenient for parents, kids, and coaches.

Tune in and listen to her journey and how she is on a mission to not only change the way young athletes think of nutrition but to help solve world you'll find out, Seanna is everywhere!!