Jaimal Yogis is San Francisco-based surfer-journalist-dad. He’s also a speaker and has received high praise for his writing. His three memoirs – Saltwater Buddha, The Fear Project, and All Our Waves Are Water – have been translated into numerous languages.  Jaimal’s first children’s picture book, Mop Rides the Waves of Life, will be released June 30th, and is the first in a series. A frequent TV and media guest, Jaimal also speaks regularly at grade schools, universities, and businesses. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, Amy DuRoss, and their three sons.

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Contact Info
Website: JaimalYogis.net
Social Media (IG, Twitter, FB): JaimalYogis
Latest Book: Mop Rides The Waves Of Life by Jaimal Yogis

Most Influential Person
My mom. (She always did Yoga and meditation daily).

Effect on Emotions
“I think mindfulness has enhanced the good emotions and it's helped me let the bad ones go.”

Thoughts on Breathing
“Breathing is my mindfulness practice. The breath is always there. It's something to focus on and it's just so pleasant, just taking a breath and being there with it. It's amazingly rich.”

Suggested Resources
Book: All Our Waves Are Water by Jaimal Yogis
Latest Book: Mop Rides The Waves Of Life by Jaimal Yogis
App: Headspace

Bullying Story
Check out his story on Episode 228

Free Gift

Do you want to become more calm, relaxed, peaceful, and content? If so, you can learn how by downloading this free ‘Waves of Content' Meditation by Bruce Langford. Unlock the secrets of calm by downloading the meditation here at MindfulnessMode.com/wavesofcontent