Brett Hill is a Mindfulness Coach who created The Language of Mindfulness, soon to be a book, training, and TEDx talk (2021). He studied Hakomi, a mindfulness-based somatic psychology with founder Ron Kurtz and established the Quest Institute meditation center in Dallas. He also trained as a facilitator in Matrix Leadership group dynamics with founder Amina Knowlan, ecstatic dance with Gabriel Roth, and contact improvisation with Nancy Stark Smith. Brett is also a published technologist having worked as a technical storyteller and international speaker for Microsoft and others. Microsoft named him as a “Most Valuable Professional” for 9 years.

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Free Gift from our Guest: 8 Ways To Be More Mindful in Virtual Meetings

Most Influential Person
Phil Del Prince Senior Trainer and Co-Founder of the Hakomi Institute in Boulder, CO

Effect on Emotions
Mindfulness has helped me mitigate my negative sides and reinforce and access as a resource, my more positive sides. By helping me be mindful with my emotions, I can go, Oh, I'm having a reactive part and I'm having an empathic, loving presence part.
If you're familiar with the story of The Two Wolves; we ask the question, which wolf do I feed? Let's feed the emotional, empathic parts. Not that the other part isn't real and legit. What do I give a voice to?

Thoughts on Breathing
Mindfulness and breathing are intimately connected for me. My breath is my go-to, ground point. I always say, when you are mindful under stress, you have to practice when you're not. It's so simple, so easy, so uncomplicated to connect breathing and mindfulness.
When I find myself getting into an argument, getting angry or upset, the very first thing is, I go to my breath. So simple, just take a pause and inject a space into a ‘too-fast conversation'.

Suggested Resources
Book: Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Book: Buddha's Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius
App: Headspace / Calm / Insight Timer

Bullying Story
I was bullied pretty badly. I could pray for mindfulness on the part of any of the bullies, that's for sure.
When I put myself back in the moment, I wasn't feeling very mindful about the things that were going on.
I felt very victimized and I didn't have a lot of compassion for people. I feel like I was really missing a mentor to help me reframe things.

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