Kristin Rulon is passionate about helping people with their mental wellness. She is a survivor of postpartum depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and as a result of her experiences, she developed Mind Star, the world’s first self-care app that pays you back. This app allows users to track their self-care over time and be rewarded for it. After Kristin gave birth to her third child, she had a birth control shot, and shortly after developed serious health issues. She decided to focus on healthy eating and exercise along with a vitamin plan. This helped for a few months and once again she began suffering mental health issues.

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Contact Info
Company: Mind Star Health LLC
App: MindStar App by Kristin Rulon

Most Influential Person
Dr. Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion expert, Author

Effect on Emotions
“Mindfulness has enabled me to identify my emotions and no longer attach myself to them.”

Thoughts on Breathing
“I like to tell people that we are like trees and. it all comes down to the stump. And the stump to me is breathing.”
“Being aware of breathing is such a very vital part of that tree. It all starts there at the stump of breathing.”

Suggested Resources
Book: Mindfulness Self-Compassion Workbook by Dr. Kristin Neff
App: MindStar App by Kristin Rulon, Headspace, Calm

Bullying Story
“I like to picture my inner bully as very small. I give her own color and name. My inner bully is very small.”
“I just to say; Oh, there is my little inner bully. There she is. She's so cute, she's trying to ruin my day. It's kind of taking its power.”