Kris Ward is the founder of “Win The Hour, Win The Day”, both a platform and Amazon best-selling book, that helps entrepreneurs escape the dreaded small business grind by mindfully setting up systems. After the loss of her husband, Kris returned full-time to the marketing agency she had founded years earlier. She was thrilled to see that her business had not only survived her absence but was still growing! Kris can help you not only survive but live a life with meaning. You will become grounded and deliberate by moving from overwhelm to efficiency.

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Contact Info
Company: Shadow Blast
Book: Win The Hour, Win The Day by Kris Ward
Podcast:  Win the Hour, Win the Day Podcast

Most Influential Person
Her husband, he would always say “today we're making memories”

Effect on Emotions
“I'm so much more stable because before it was what's the next thing I want to do. I was trying to get so much done.”

Thoughts on Breathing
“Breathing is something that I have to constantly work at.”

Suggested Resources
Book: Win The Hour, Win The Day by Kris Ward
Book: The Vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks
App: Brain FM