Jennie Bellinger is a Certified Professional Coach and is known as The Direct Sales Domme. Her mission is to guide aspiring direct sales leaders in growing personal sales through focus, motivation, and accountability. Jennie is trained in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), and uses these techniques to help clients transform their mindsets so they can become more positive and forward-moving. Jennie is the host of the Badass Direct Sales Mastery podcast and helps direct sales moms whip their business into shape. Jennie is a Certified Professional Coach, so her methods aren't painful, but are very effective.

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Contact Info
Company: Badass Direct Sales Mastery
Podcast: Badass Direct Sales Mastery

Most Influential Person
Jack Canfield

Effect on Emotions
“It definitely keeps things calmer. It doesn't allow freak outedness”

Thoughts on Breathing
“It is something that I'm working on getting better at.”

Suggested Resources
Book: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
App: Insight Timer

Bullying Story
“Bullying doesn't stop in school. I was bullied online in a professional setting by someone who is threatened by my presence in the workplace.”
“Mindfulness truly helped because every time the person does something, I put my phone down and walk away.”