Bill Protzmann uses the power of music to delight and inspire self-care. He is an avid volunteer having held Board positions with Guitars for Vets and the San Diego Veterans Coalition. He has been instrumental in connecting thousands of military service members and Veterans with honor tickets to attend the San Diego Symphony concerts. Bill has delivered keynote addresses to organizations including The American Music Therapy Association, Consumer Action, The Society for Financial Education and Professional Development. Bill has published articles at Fox News, Your Tango, The Good Men Project, Psychology Today, and Bill is author of the book, More Than Human – The Value of Cultivating the Human Spirit in Your Organization.

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Most Influential Person
The Dalai Lama

Effect on Emotions
I think the thing that is important here is letting go of what you think.
The more that I let go of what I think; that could be preconceptions, or a new thought that just comes at me, or just the busyness and the chatter, the more that I'm able to let go of that, the more welcome I feel toward emotional energy and it's content.
I feel the practice of that is a very safe thing, instead of always trying to keep the emotions I don't want out of my space.

Thoughts on Breathing
Early on, I had a piano teacher explain to me that a melody on the piano is being made by hitting things and the challenge is to make that melody sing.
To be able to sing it, you have to breathe it. Even though I'm playing a percussion instrument, I find myself breathing and inspired by the music so I'm breathing in the same phrasing that a singer might be breathing.
I had a band teacher teach me about diaphragmatic breathing and so I've always had this ability to breathe deeply.

Suggested Resources
Book: The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz
App: Brainwave

Bullying Story
When I was in first grade I walked to and from school. I was always interrupted on my walk by these older guys who would grab my arm and twist it behind my back.
Once I left school at lunch and went home because I didn't want to encounter the bullies. You need to reach out and say to somebody who has authority, ‘this isn't right, this needs to stop.'

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