Archana Shetty empowers leaders to be incredibly impactful and inspirational while maintaining their impact with no chance of burnout. She is an expert in emotional intelligence and peak performance and is heading an upcoming summit called the Inspirational Leadership Summit 2019. Archana is also the founder of NextGenLeadership; a model for transformational leadership focusing on emotional intelligence and wellbeing.

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Inspirational Leadership Summit:

Most Influential Person
Mahatma Gandhi

Effect on Emotions
“I now know how to recognize and skillfully manage these emotions, it has helped me grow as a person.”

Thoughts on Breathing
“Whenever I face these external triggers, I just tell myself: Breathe. Deep breath in, pause for a moment, breathe out.”

Suggested Resources
Book: Self Compassion by Dr. Kristin Neff
App: Insight Timer

Sign Up For The Free Summit

Join the FREE Inspirational Leadership Summit. With over 35 speakers, experts on topics like Emotional Intelligence and being a top leader. Including Dorie Clark, Michael Neeley, Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence and I'll be a speaker there too. Go to