There were days in our lives when we felt insecure and we self-judge. While others see our best qualities, what we tend to do is to judge and bully ourselves for never being enough. 

This habit is something that we need to cut because when it becomes our constant mindset, it drains us; It brings out the worst behaviors, hinders us from achieving our full potential, and becomes the energy that we give out to those people around us.

It’s going to be difficult to break free from this, especially if you are in this mindset for so long, but it is always possible and I am here to help you start.

In this episode, I discuss how the mindset of insecurity and self-judgment affect us and I will share with you the most important steps to take to work on this.

Listen and learn in this episode!

This episode at a glance...

 How insecurity and self-judgment get us trappedSelf-assessment and growthFactors contributing to the mindset of insecurity and self-judgmentHow habits turn into mindsetsFinding the roots of insecuritiesBreaking free from the mindset of insecurityBecoming mindful of our thoughts and emotionsDeveloping a more positive self-imagePracticing self-compassion


See you on the next episode!

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