What is a weight set point? It’s the biggest factor in whether you’ll reach your weight loss goal or not. If you’ve ever lost weight only to put it right back on, you need to know it’s not your fault, you simply didn’t have the right information until now...

In this episode you’ll learn:

Why all your weight loss efforts failed so far (no, it’s not because you didn’t stick to your diet)What a weight set point is and how it affects your fat loss effortsHow to reset your weight set pointWhy some people are just “naturally thin”

For the full transcript visit: mindfulshape.com

Instagram: @mindful_shape


The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss by Dr. Jason Fung

The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website mindfulshape.com