Happy Day, Friends! On Episode 7 of Mindful Living with Athea Davis I talk about how to master your anxiety with my personal mindfulness tips. I break anxiety down from a neurophysiological perspective and walk you through how to track this intense emotion that can have you go from confident to cowering in a matter of a few minutes.

The world needs your joy and sparkle and, in order to do that successfully, you must learn how to create a new relationship with your anxiety and master it like a sparkle boss!

XO ~ Athea

PS. If you want the freebie I mentioned (and due to my website not functioning properly at the moment, you must request it by e-mail), you can e-mail me at [email protected] to receive your free Anxiety Curb Kicking Tips Tracking Sheet. It's so helpful! I can't wait to see what you discover by using my free tracking resource sheet.

For more information you can visit www.solsenseyoga.com 

Connect with me on IG, FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn: @atheadavis