Are you the type of person who struggles to say NO, or tell people how you “really” feel?
Does the very thought of having to decide on which restaurant to go to fill you with horror and dread?
If so, then this is the episode for YOU.
That’s because today, I’m talking assertiveness with a man who has spent the last twenty-years teaching people this very skill - Dr Randy Paterson.
Randy is a psychologist and author practicing in Vancouver, Canada. He is author of The Assertiveness Workbook, which we will be diving into today, and How to be Miserable (40 Strategies You Already Use), which is also essential reading.
In todays conversation, Randy and I identify and discuss four different styles of interpersonal behaviour (i.e., the assertive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and passive styles). We reveal visible and invisible barriers preventing people from being more assertive (i.e., the stress barrier, beliefs barrier, and social barrier). We also look at how your nonverbal behaviour may be letting you down, because often, what matters most, is not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it.
Randy also reveals his motivation behind The Assertiveness Handbook, and offers a few practical tips for anyone out there who may be struggling with assertiveness.
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