Today, I talk with science journalist Martha Zaraska. Marta’s new book, Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100 is a research-driven case for why optimism, kindness, and strong social networks will keep us living longer than any fitness tracker or superfood.
Marta currently lives in a tiny French village with her husband and daughter. I recently caught up with Marta to find answers to the following questions:
· How do optimism and pessimism affect longevity, and what is some of the current research around this?· Where might we be under and overestimating - in terms of our efforts to live long lives?· Are we just wasting our time and energy with fad diets, excessive exercise, supplements, and superfoods?
I also asked Martha what inspired her to write the book, and how it all came about. This is a conversation we need now more than ever - enjoy!
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