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We hoard mental baggage as we go through life. Learn to let go with proven techniques that can help you reset when baggage gets in the way on the tennis court.

Coach: Aleks Szymanski, Founder of Tennisletics, and Certified Mental Coach.
Bio: Founder of Tennisletics and tennis fanatic. Started work life as a military and search and rescue helicopter pilot. Spent the past two decades founding and nurturing fast-growing technology businesses across the globe. Competed at high-level squash, judo, and rugby. Certified Mental Coach.

Birthplace: England
Residency: Austin, TX, USA

Length: 3 min 19 sec
Theme: Emotion

Other tracks by Aleks Szymanski: Baggage, Distractions, Self-Confidence, Threat Or Challenge, Stress, Two Outcomes.

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