After sitting with this decision for a very long time, spending lots of time listening to my next steps, I’ve decided to move out of the mind-body podcast space and into my next evolution of my work (which I will explain). I truly feel like …

This final episode is also available on video on the Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. Facebook Page!

After sitting with this decision for a very long time, spending lots of time listening to my next steps, I’ve decided to move out of the mind-body podcast space and into my next evolution of my work (which I will explain). I truly feel like I’ve contributed the gifts I was meant to contribute here, and now my soul is calling me into my next evolution.

I had thought about just switching the podcast name, but my next realm of work is speaking to an entirely different community, so I am really starting all over again both in the podcast space as well as on social media.

I want to begin today’s show with immense gratitude:

To my beloved listeners: thank you so so much for your support, your feedback your reviews, your love. <3

To my VIP listeners: the ones who showed up for every episode, every post, every single project and offered their love and support – thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such amazing fans! You know who you are!

To all the clients and connections I’ve made through this podcast – it has been an honor to be a part of your journeys!

To all of my amazing guests: Joe Tunon, Barb Marquardt, Preetha Bhat, Nicole Sachs, Eddy Lindenstein, Annie Grace, Laura Seago, Garrett Morris of the Higgs, Molly Jones, Stephanie McPhail, Ali Damron, Fred Amir, my husband Tom, Elaine Jeffy of Your Key to Healing, Rick Paddock, Katie Grosso, Kate Swedberg of Breathing Habit, Ann, Ann Seagraves of Surrendered Spirit, Phil, Adriana Bucci of Let’s Get Your Shift Together, and Edith Vignal of the Shadow Side of Pain!

I also want to thank anyone who has ever supported me by sending in little donations here and there: John , Nicholas , Elaine, Sue , Judy  and Kathy! Your support means the world to me!

And then here is a short list of the fan favorites of the Pod!

Episode 10 – Anxiety as TMS

Episode 12 – Feel it to Heal It

Episode 17 – I Believe! (You’re a Miracle)

Episode 20 – Journaling Your Way In

Episode 22 – The Power of Visualization

Episode 26 –Fear of Pain (#1 fan favorite!)

Episode 37 – You are Infinite!

Episode 40 – Be Gentle With yourself

Episode 47 – The Way we See the Problem is the Problem…

Episode  50 – You’re probably trying too hard.

Episode 53 – Attitude is everything

Episode 56 – Moving Through Triggers

Episode 57 – you’re going to be OK

I also want to give a special THANK YOU to all the women who are in my current container Awaken the Alchemist with me.  It’s been a wild, amazing ride and I couldn’t be more honored to have these ladies in my orbit. These women took their pain journey and have been alchemizing it into their PURPOSE, and we are still transforming together, and it has been nothing short of magical!

If you were interested in the first round of Awaken the Alchemist and are wanting a road-map to move you from pain to purpose in a way that helps you turn your journey into your own transformational offering for the well-being of the planet, please head on over to and join up with the self-study replay!  The first 10 people who join me will receive a 1:1 deep dive session with me where we deeply listen to the vision that is coming through for you and turn it into your soul-level offering… so if you’ve ever heard the call… please join this movement of empowered leaders!

That brings me to share a little about what I’m up to next!

I believe that we need more leaders and stewards of the mind-body message; not only the mind-body message, but the integration of ALL elements of what it means to be a human being with a soul, with human emotions, with our shadows, within our sexual health, within our relationships, and within our connection to ALL that is. 

I believe that true change in healthcare has to begin within the offices of practitioners who truly want to guide their people through a transformation, vs. simply offering treatment that – at best – maintains what is.

I believe that the way we SPEAK to our patients is unbelievably important, and needs to shift dramatically within the healthcare field – both in allopathic care as well as alternative care. 

I believe that as consciousness awakens on the planet, people are also looking for something different when it comes to self-improvement and healing … we’re craving more connection, more creativity, more compassion, more love, more safety, and more integration.  We’re looking for leaders who are here to empower us, who are here to deliver messages of safety to us…

We’re also looking for LESS information, less worst case scenario education, less nocebo delivery, less maintenance treatment plans, less disempowerment (whether intentional or unintentional).

I believe that in order to change the way we approach emotional, mental and physical healing in the west, we need to start empowering healthcare workers and practitioners to begin changing the way they approach treatment, the way they speak to their patients, and the way they deliver news of what’s “possible.”

My movement is called Soul-Level Mentors, and it’s a movement of empowered healthcare practitioners, who are standing up, stepping forward, and changing their approach from one of treatment, to one of transformation.  From one of dis-empowerment and fear of what could go wrong, to one of empowerment and the discovery of infinite possibilities when it comes to health and healing. 

Next week, I’m going to be doing a Facebook live-stream series over on my new page – Soul-Level Mentors… which I will then record, and put onto my new podcast which is also called Soul-Level Mentors, and so if you’re a healthcare practitioner, energy worker, light worker, coach, healer, nurse or doctor and you’re wanting to change the way you serve your people, then please join me over there! 

And if you’re just wanting to follow my journey, please go ahead and do that as well! 

And if you know someone who is feeling like they are barely treading water in their own healthcare practice…please send them my way!

In the meantime, for everyone listening who is still on their mind-body journey… I just want to shine a light on all the amazing stewards of this mind-body message, who, if you’re not following, you need to start:

Eddy Lindenstein – Mind and Fitness PodcastNicole Sachs – The Cure for Chronic PainDan Buglio – Pain Free YouJim Prussak – The Pain PTGeorgie Oldfield and the work of SIRPASteve Ozanich – TMS healing wall of Victory on Youtube.

My fingers will still be  dipped in the mind-body field, but just as one aspect of a much larger transformational mission, and so please follow these amazing torch-bearers and know that you will be well, just like all of us are!

And Finally, I want to pay homage to the pioneer who inspired this entire journey for me: Dr. John E Sarno.  Without his work in this world, I would still be stuck in pain, fear, and fragility… I am forever grateful.  You saved my life and gave me a purpose beyond my wildest imagination… I hope I can continue to spread your good word for many years to come. <3

The Good Doctor, himself. Dr. John E. Sarno