One element of the mind-body message that I don’t think is talked about often enough is the concept of purpose and meaning in our lives.  I believe that discovering and nurturing our own unique sense of purpose is perhaps one of the more important pieces …

photo cred: Ishyndar

One element of the mind-body message that I don’t think is talked about often enough is the concept of purpose and meaning in our lives.  I believe that discovering and nurturing our own unique sense of purpose is perhaps one of the more important pieces of not only our healing journeys, but also our lives here on earth.

And when we are in pain or chronic symptoms, our world tends to get very small.  Perhaps we even had to take a leave from our job or career, maybe we’ve withdrawn socially, or maybe we’re agoraphobic, never feeling like leaving the house because we feel weak, embarrassed, and feel that what we’re going through shouldn’t really be happening. And after enough time spent in our pits of despair, our world caves in around us, and this empty sense of Purposelessness sets in.

This shadow of purposelessness is something we all work really hard to avoid looking at, and it is why, I believe, most of us feel like a waste of space if we give ourselves permission to do nothing, because when we do, this creeping sense of purposelessness sets in and we feel as if we were more of a drain on the planet than a contributor.

It can also be an element that keeps us stuck in the pain cycle… because it’s incredibly painful to feel, day in and out, that there’s this overwhelming sense of emptiness or meaninglessness in our lives … it’s a painful feeling that touches so many of us, yet it often flies under the radar of our awareness.

The way I see it is that we have two purposes in life:

to maintain our physical bodyto EVOLVE

And if we are not evolving, our physical body becomes our sole purpose, and keeps us busy in need of more maintenance than ever before.

Today’s episode discusses ways we can re-discover meaning and purpose in our lives, and ways we can find it in our every day.

Listen on to hear more!

Books recommended in this episode:

As always, thanks so much for tuning in! If you have your own healing story you’d like to share or if you want to hear about the upcoming masterclass on why YOU are the GIFT this planet NEEDS, please reach out!

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**DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care. It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program*