We are shaped and formed out of the realm of infinite possibilities.  When we are in utero, we exist as pure potential to be, do, and have whatever we can conceive and dream of.  We are then birthed into this world of limitation.  This world …

We are shaped and formed out of the realm of infinite possibilities.  When we are in utero, we exist as pure potential to be, do, and have whatever we can conceive and dream of. 

We are then birthed into this world of limitation.  This world of “don’t dream too big” or “don’t get your hopes up.”  We are taught to know our limitations, and to be “realistic.”  These programs offered to us by well-meaning adults in effect destroys our belief in the infinite nature of reality and closes our minds to what could be possible if we just remained open and curious.

Einstein once asked Bohr if he truly believed that the moon does not exist if we are not looking at it. Bohr replied to Einstein that he could never prove that it does. And as we learned in the famous double slit experiment: in quantum physics, particles moving through the same two slits behave differently based on whether or not we are observing it. That alone tosses what we thought we knew about the nature of reality right out the non-existent/existent window.

Similarly, Dr. Sarno mentions that if we are constantly preoccupied with what our bodies are doing, that symptoms are likely continue. In my estimation, he meant that our preoccupation, plus our measuring, our monitoring,our judgments of ourselves because we have pain, our expectations and beliefs,as well as the meanings we place on our symptoms can place our experience within a rigid box of our own creation based on the stories, beliefs, and causalities we have decided upon in our own personal reality.

So this episode goes a little deep down the rabbit hole into the infinite nature of our universe, as a way to hopefully help you open your mind to what is possible if you can step outside of the box of your constructed reality.

Quantum Physicis opens our minds to the nature of infinite possibilities.  I open today’s episode with a clip from What the Bleep Do We Know about the famous “double slit” experiement.   I recommend you watch it here:

What we think we know about our bodies and about the world around us determines our experience of it.  But if quantum theory teaches us anything, it’s that pure potentiality exists in every single moment – this is how spontaneous remissions are possible.  This is how “book cures” are possible.  Waves of pure potential open up to offer us a new experience. 

If you’d like to check out the entire film, you can do so here: 

As always, thanks so much for tuning in, guys! If you have your own healing story you’d like to share on this show, please reach out!

Also, if you’d like to be supported along your journey, please apply to work with me HERE.

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**DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care. It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program**