What’s your pain attitude?  Pain sucks, for sure, but months and months of feeling victimized by our pain leads us to feeling hopeless, apathetic, angry and utterly unbalanced in our perspective.  It is our job, as individuals, to choose to take a more empowered stance …

What’s your pain attitude?  Pain sucks, for sure, but months and months of feeling victimized by our pain leads us to feeling hopeless, apathetic, angry and utterly unbalanced in our perspective.  It is our job, as individuals, to choose to take a more empowered stance in the face of pain, and even though that might seem like a tall order, it’s most certainly available to you right now.  It all boils down to whether or not you’re sick of being a victim of your pain yet.  Are you done with feeling like this is happening TO you?  Are you maybe willing to look into why this might be happening FOR you?

My pain?  Was a POWERFUL teacher.  It taught me to look within.  It taught me to prioritize self-care.  It taught me to be kinder to myself.  It taught me how powerful I am.  It taught me to be grateful for my amazing body.  It taught me how to love myself more authentically.  It taught me that I’m worthy of transformation, and that the pain – WAS the WAY, even though it felt like it was “in the way.”

Nowadays, when my body lets me know that I have some slowing down to do, or some inner reflection to do, I establish an open door policy with the pain.  I am no longer afraid of pain when it arises, and am willing to feel it if it comes my way.  I choose to believe that if I’m in pain, that I’m transforming my consciousness at a rate at which my body is not swift enough to catch up to just yet.  I welcome every twinge, and choose to remember to FEEL EMPOWERED by the pain and welcome it with enthusiasm, rather than see it as a sign that I am doing something “wrong.”  Pain isn’t wrong.  Pain is GROWTH, if you choose to view it as such.

Repeat after me:  “With every twinge of pain I feel in my body, may all beings be awakened to the LOVE that has always been there for them.”  I choose to turn my pain into a powerful tool with which to bless the planet.  How do you view your pain?  How do you react?  Do you think that your reactions are helping you?  How might your reactions be keeping you stuck?

Life is a balance.  Light and dark.  Good and bad.  Struggle and ease.  Peaks and valleys.  None of it is “wrong” and all of it can be a catalyst for transformation, if we can only choose to view it as such.

In this episode, I talk about Victor Frankl’s book, “Man’s Search For Meaning” in the show today – here’s the video I played at the end:


As always, thanks so much for tuning in, guys! If you have your own healing story you’d like to share on this show, please reach out!

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**DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care. It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program**