Before Kim had an epiphany, she was a financial advisor in saturated market, focussing on her own and other people's financial freedom. She was attending regular network marketing meetings and finding those nessesary leads, reading lots of written advise from world finance experts, and coming home night after night feeling exhausted. All the experts she was studying had one thing in common, they had published book, and that is what had brought their expertise into Kims' attention. Join Kim on her next adventure giveaway:

She published her first book, the Financial Fitness Playbook: The ultimate guide to winning the money game. And it worked for her! She doubled her income in the first 12 months after publishing. She became passionate about writing and publishing books! Thought if it worked for her financial freedom, it could certainly work for others, so she switched lanes.

While attending a workshop in L.A. she had another epiphany, how she could make a greater impact and teach others how to do that too!

Kim became a book writing coach, helping other coaches, consultants, and service-based entrepreneurs overcome the daily struggle of finding their next client, stand out of the crowd in their industry, and increase visibility, credibility and authority by publishing a book. This prompted Kim's second book.

Kim is the award winning author of, Write and grow rich: How to use  book to supsersize your business and your bank account. 

She was tired of being tired, and truly not enjoying her work, Kim was inspired for change. And then life took a turn. Diganosed and treated for breast cancer. As a survivor, Kim vowed to live life to the fullest and to create a way for others to do the same.

Book a strategy session: . Book an "Income EXPLOSION Strategy Session"







#NLPcertification #NLPtraining #NLP #Mindsetsystems #NLPcoach Adele's bio: I strive to live the best life possible. I am a survivor of a plane that crashed and flipped in water. That experience of drowning and how I made my escape forever change my belief in what is possible. And our ability to create and choose the life we want is dirrectly related to what we believe.

It took me decades to truly understand the miracle of mindset, I became obsessed with neuroscience. Wanting to understand the power of the mind. If my mind could source information locked deep within my mind, while starved of oxygen. I wanted to know how to access and use that same mind power everyday.  My experience became the driving force of my life purpose.  based on the stuff I now know to be laws of nature, the mind and truth. 

If you are looking for answers, desire expanded choices and abundance in your life, I know from my experience, that it all begins with us. The power lies within your mind. Uncover your greatness? Learn about and release the power of your mind.

Adele Anderson Coaching: train leaders in fearless excellence for all. Providing accredited NLP training and coaching to leaders who are excellence-focussed. You are committed to: influencing maximum potential in you and your team; understandin and leverage different mindset systems for professional and personal growth; develop optimum EQ communication skills; align values in pursuit of excellence for all.

NLP integrates mindset systems, neurology, psychology, linguistics, cybernetics. Neuroscience says, the mind combines and relates experiences within knowable sequences and patterns, or programs that are malleable. Leaders use NLP as easy tools to accellerate learning, install excellence, replace emotional block, manage stress, build influence and negotiate effectively. Expanded creativity, problem-solving strategies and increased life satisfaction are the outcome. Neuro: all sensory activity, to and from the central nervous system; Linguistics: how sensory experience is processed, coded, organized, given meaning, transformed into language.

Leader in Excellence Certification Program
This 10-week virtual training provides NLP certification for leader to up-level skill set in: Negotiation; team building; influential communication; presentation skills; organizational performance; conflict management for:

• Leadership excellence: inspired focus on personal growth, stress and overwhelm reduction for all
• Bridge challenges and conflict for greater confidence and reduced behavioral issues for all
• Learn to negotiate with creativity, clarity, and effectiveness to increase confidence for all
• Strengthen communication; dilute resistance based on understanding individual mindset systems

Program Specifics
Training Dates 2021: Apr14 / Sep 15 / Nov 9 / maximum 20 participants each class.

Ten (10) x 60-minute interactive virtual sessions

Session 1: Introduction to NLP Brain Technology

Session 2: Sensory Sharpening Practices

Session 3: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic Communication

Session 4: Negotiating Interactions

Session 5: A Perspective of Excellence

Session 6: Fear Busting Techniques

Session 7: Verbal and Non-Verbal Influencers

Session 8: Resolve Criticism, Build Self Confidence

Tuition: 1997 +gst per person 

Session 9: Powerful EQ choices for Solutions

Session 10: Review for Exam Certification

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