Self care is so often lost on us. Why is that when it really is the support that we require mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, and professionally to be at our best. When we push so hard to maintain excellence in so many areas of our lives, what may be lost, is the care we offer our selves.

The result is often felt in the form of dis-ease. Maybe you do eat healthy and get the exercise you need, but when is the last time you laughed or took a day to rest? 

Maybe love is new and so romance is active and fun is at hand but is the same true when the honeymoon period is over. Are you allowing yourself quality personal time with your soul mate?

And then there are the things that we know we enjoy yet we put those moments far into the future. I bet you recall having time with friends and family and saying I wish we could do this more often, but the words like dust bunnies are unattended and time passes.

These are the truth we may face, that could resonate, but action is unactioned until time stops. Maybe it is an illness, possibly its a change in circumstance, a major loss. Does it sound familiar? 

2021 is my year of no regrets and living in the present. There is no time left for waiting, no intended conversation turning stale. 2021 is a year of many changes.

There are those of us that experience illness, lost friends or family not to many months ago. And in the absence of being together, I feel closer to the people I love, than ever before. I notice I take less for granted and find pleasure and gratitude in the normal. I am clearer about what matters than ever before. My priorities have changed.

And that change included time for me. The truth is that I need to be at my best so I can be at my best for my family, my friends, and clients. I take the time for me so I can get up in the morning energized and ready to face whatever happens when the sun comes up.

I do it for me because I matter. But it was not always like that and I bet this resonates with many of us. My husband is sick, and I needed a mammogram for a exceptionally long time. I had pain and it never went away and became a constant reminder nagging inside my mind. Yet I refused to make the call, what if I was sick? How could I handle that too? And I let month pass and the pass persisted.

It took me looking at the facts of my self care, my self love. If I could not care me, then who was going to? It became very clear to me that I was scared, for sure, but the way I was choosing, was not the right answer either.

Thankfully my results came back A ok, but it was a wake-up call. I once heard a saying, the way we treat ourseves, becomes the bar. For how others treat us. But more than that, it becomes the inside view of how we feel about ourselves. Do we matter, to our self.

Often, we may not take the time to think about it. We all have busy lives, but I want to stress to you, that you are the only person that is with you for your entire life. And if YOU can not be counted on then what? I caught a glimpse of my self care horizon and I stepped up, will you? 
I really hope you do because I care about you too. I was asked to speak at Freaking Fantastic Summit this week. It is short notice, but I am doing this for me and for you. It is a choice a powerful choice to share a message about self care and self love. The power in the share is enormous. And this one is for you.

I couldn't have thrived without living and breathing the work I do for my clients. I needed ever tool at my disposal to manage the past several months. If you find yourself struggling, give me a call today. I have real life, proven tools and solutions to help you recover your spirit and get yourself back on track