Are you a golfer? A movie buff? A woodworker? A gamer? A reader? What do you do for fun?

Sadly, too many of us have things we used to do for fun before ministry became so complicated, tiring, and all-consuming.

We say things like… ”I used to play softball every summer until…

I used to go to baseball games, but I just haven’t been able to do it the last couple of years

I used to read a lot more, but I can’t seem to fit it into my schedule.

And please don’t tell me that ministry is all the fun you need.

Even for those of us who love ministry, love being with people, love preaching, even love meetings, we need to have outlets of fun in our lives.

Do you remember what it was like to have fun? Back in your 20’s, maybe when you were first married, you had a group of friends you hung out with, things you enjoyed doing, hobbies, activities.

Now you don’t do any of those things. Maybe on the weekend you go on a date with your spouse, or play in the yard for a couple of hours with your kids.

But, what do you do for fun...for you. What refills your tank? Makes you feel alive? Reminds you why you once lived this life so vigorously and made you feel like you could conquer the world?

In today’s episode, I am going to share why it is vital you figure this out...right now!

Ministry Hackers has Partnered with Life and Leadership Ministries to Bring You a New Tool

Have you ever wanted to know exactly what your congregation is struggling with?

Have you ever wished you could sit down with everyone in your church and find out how you could minister more effectively to each one of them...without having an endless amount of meetings?

Well, I have been able to work with my friends over at Life and Leadership Ministries to develop the Leading Life Experience for their edisciple platform for pastors and ministry leaders just like you.

This experience is an incredible opportunity for you as a pastor to see exactly what level of a fulfilled life your congregation is living by measuring four core areas. This will allow you to better know how to lead them toward living fulfilling lives in the Lord.

Once you are equipped with this deep level of insight, you will know what ministries, sermons, activities, classes, and curriculum you need to use to minister more effectively to those in your faith community.

Best of all, you can stop guessing and know what will engage people and what they will make time for.

Go to to see what the experience looks like and how to bring the Leading Life Experience to your church.