In Christian circles, and primarily in ministry, we talk a lot about servant leadership. We model our leadership style after the servant leadership we see modeled in Jesus’ life and ministry.

Usually this means we are willing to do things like clean the bathroom toilets because no task is beneath us as pastors.

Or, we go out of our way to serve others in their crisis or point of need.

Though these are examples of how we can show and exercise servant leadership, it does not capture the entire essence of what being a servant leader truly is.

In fact, there is one component in most who are intentionally exercising servant leadership that is missing. This missing component, in some circles of ministry, is even seen in a negative light because it doesn’t leave room for the Holy Spirit to least that is the claim.

Well, in this episode I am going to show you how this missing component of servant leadership is vital, was exercised by Jesus, and when absent, actually negates your efforts to truly be a servant leader.

Ministry Hackers has Partnered with Life and Leadership Ministries to Bring You a New Tool

Have you ever wanted to know exactly what your congregation is struggling with?

Have you ever wished you could sit down with everyone in your church and find out how you could minister more effectively to each one of them...without having an endless amount of meetings?

Well, I have been able to work with my friends over at Life and Leadership Ministries to develop the Leading Life Experience for their edisciple platform for pastors and ministry leaders just like you.

This experience is an incredible opportunity for you as a pastor to see exactly what level of a fulfilled life your congregation is living by measuring four core areas. This will allow you to better know how to lead them toward living fulfilling lives in the Lord.

Once you are equipped with this deep level of insight, you will know what ministries, sermons, activities, classes, and curriculum you need to use to minister more effectively to those in your faith community.

Best of all, you can stop guessing and know what will engage people and what they will make time for.

Go to to see what the experience looks like and how to bring the Leading Life Experience to your church.