Interview Nir Eyal 

Making the case why technology is NOT irresistible. (3:08) What is the definition of distraction and traction? (7:55) Why do we do anything? Understanding the nature of human emotion. (9:06) Technology is the tool: It’s all about how we USE IT. (11:07) The technique of using tech against tech: #1 - Social antibodies. (19:50) Making time for traction: Technique #2. (24:44) Hacking back the external triggers: Technique #3. (26:29) Preventing distraction with packs: Technique #4. (27:19) The 3 concepts of social competence and wellbeing when it comes to our children. (28:37) What are some things he agrees with his fellow researchers and what do they disagree on? (35:27) Understanding what your values are and turning those into time. (38:50) What’s the role of dopamine in the brain? (40:05) How technology can be ADDICTIVE, but not affect everyone: The nature of addiction. (41:50) What is his take on the future of technology? (46:10) Why ‘filter bubbles’ is nothing new. (53:03) The importance of having a conversation rather than fear-mongering. (56:56)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned 

Nir Eyal (@neyal99)  Instagram Nir Eyal (@nireyal)  Twitter Website Adam Alter (@adamleealter) Twitter Jean Twenge (@jean_twenge)  Twitter Jonathan Haidt (@JonHaidt)  Twitter

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