The secret to life is belief. Are they obstacles to your success? 


Do you have limiting beliefs that impact your happiness or personal success? What are limiting beliefs? Listen in on my discussion with PSYCH-K coach Angela Anderson as she describes how to find success by recognizing the power of belief and how the PSYCHE-K program can empower you to achieve financial success and personal happiness. 


Angela Anderson has spent over ten years mastering the PSYCH-K transformational program in order to help clients--coaches, entrepreneurs, and other health and wellness professionals-- achieve financial and spiritual wellness. Through her 8-step program, she will help you understand how your subconscious and previous life experiences can serve as a mental barrier to finding happiness, wellness, and financial success. 


Show Notes:


Angela Anderson defines what our “money code” is and how subconscious beliefs inform what we think we can achieve.  Angela discusses personal childhood beliefs that still impact her psyche today.  Angela discusses PSYCH-K, evolution, and how a mind flip led to a big life change. How beliefs and subconscious patterns of the mind can create or reduce stress Angela discusses how she came across PSYCH-K through the mentorship of Rob Williams  What are limiting beliefs and how can we flip our minds to free ourselves from them? How does our experience in life create “filters” that  impact how we interact with the world? What is PSYCH-K and how can it provide tools to help you access your subconscious mind?  Angela shares stories of client success after PSYCH-K reprogramming  How changing your beliefs can create an overall positive life energy  The Spackle Round (33:32) A common belief Angela disagrees with What excites Angela?  Angela’s word or phrase of the day  Angela’s special offer to listeners

Additional Resources:

Angela Anderson’s Website Dr. Bruce Lipton’s video  Book your PSYCH-K session(s) today!  Contact Angela Rick on Twitter & Instagram

If you would like to contact Rick, you can send him an audio message, use the contact page HERE  or in connect with him in the Mind Flipping Facebook Group. Let’s keep the mind flipping conversation going, together! 

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