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Achieve total happiness and health with abundant, free, and readily available tools.


Stop making your life overly complicated and get back to the basics of health! Join me as I talk with holistic healer, wellness, and meditation expert Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan, who wrote the best-selling book, “SuperWellness: Become Your Own Best Healer” on how to use meditation and other free, readily available tools in order to find happiness, truth, and wholeness again. Listen in as she discusses her super wellness program, what H.E.A.L.T.H. stands for, and why we need to get back to the basics in order to achieve our true potential. 

Show Notes:

How an intense meditation session led Dr. E to her first mind flip and complete happiness. Why Dr. E feels like our natural state, as humans, is contentment and happiness How Dr. E’s profound mind flip and spiritual journey led her to write “SuperWellness,” an invitation to use meditation to find wholeness and happiness again. How meditation transcends stress reduction to inspire. Where does consciousness come from? Why diet and exercise are not the keys to super wellness-- and what is. What H.E.A.L.T.H. stands for in Dr. E.’s SuperWellness Program. Why health transcends the absence of sickness or illness. What things make you healthy long term? The diet that makes all other diets obsolete. How your thoughts can impact your overall health. How your body serves as a litmus test. What is heart coherence and how meditation helps you achieve it. How water crystals and words connect-- and why this is relevant to your body. How getting back to the basics will help you achieve your true potential.


The “Spackle Round” (51:35)


Dr. E’s advice to begin your healing journey.

Additional Resources:

Join our newsletter Learn more about Edith’s life changing services Upgrade your life with “SuperWellness,” Edith’s best-selling book! Listen to The Dr. E Podcast! Dr. Masaru Emoto Water Crystal Study Visit https://www.patreon.com/mindflipping to support the Mind Flipping Podcast. HPTI Rick on Twitter & Instagram Follow Dr. E on Facebook and Youtube!


If you would like to contact Rick, you can send him an audio message, use the contact page HERE  or in connect with him in the Mind Flipping Facebook Group. Let’s keep the mind flipping conversation going, together!

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