It's not magic. It's about relationships.

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This episode was recorded in Las Vegas at the HPTI Winter Conference. Juan successfully uses hypnosis in dentistry to increase sales and patient satisfaction before discovering his love of using hypnosis to coaching skiers, volleyball players and acrobats. Discover how his journey unfolded while getting some practical tips to learn faster and hypnotize yourself to live at your peak.


Show Notes:


How Jaun came to hypnosis (and veggies) 4:34 From Real Estate to NLP 7:52 What is Hypnodontics and why Juan picked it 10:45 The major issues dental practices face 14:00 Client Mind Flipping Story: Comfort vs. Pain 15:21 Abstraction for learning faster 18:35 Focus points for accelerated learning 25:35 Client Mind Flipping Story: The Thumb Biter 28:28 The doubts clients and hypnotists have 32:00 The Spackle Round 35:40 What Juan struggles with now & how he manages it 35:50 Juan’s Phrase of the Day 38:50 Self-hypnosis Breathing Technique 41:59 The beliefs in hypnosis Juan disagrees with 43:38

Additional Resources:

Join our newsletter More info on Juan Acosta: Hypnocoach Juan & Hypnodontist HPTI Conference HPTI Tony Robbins Selling with NLP Scott Sandland on episode 7 Rick on Twitter & Instagram

If you would like to contact Rick, you can send him an audio message, use the contact page HERE  or in connect with him in the Mind Flipping Facebook Group. Let’s keep the mind flipping conversation going, together!

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